Example sentences of "in [noun] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Birds can be a considerable problem in Champagne as the grapes begin to ripen .
2 The horrific attack happened in Middlesbrough as the victim was walking along an unlit path .
3 This passage reveals concern for the points of the compass when clipping was in progress as the shepherd moved around under the tree to avoid the rays of the sun .
4 Mother watched in horror as the fly fell from its mouth and it swam to freedom .
5 We watched in horror as the enemy opened fire and chunks of metal could be seen falling off the luckless victim 's wings and fuselage .
6 Rex watched in horror as the black claw tore Bill 's left arm from its socket and flung it far up the street .
7 An off-duty policeman was forced to slam on his brakes as Sloane sped past , and watched in horror as the Seat veered onto the wrong side of the road 325 yards before the smash , the court heard .
8 Carey 's face gouted blood , shredding in strips as the rod came at him again and again , the hook trailing and tearing .
9 Although homoeopathy can work deeply into the organism , and can affect the deeper emotional , mental and spiritual levels , therapies more specifically aimed at developing the spiritual aspects of human beings may well be needed in addition as the root of the cancer problem often lies at this level .
10 In addition as the firm with the largest numbers of middle market clients we have excellent contacts at the board level with most corporations in the UK .
11 In addition as the gap between the possible and the affordable becomes ever wider and societies grapple with the conflict between individual need and the collective good , the outcomes movement can at least inform the debate and as the Oregon experiment shows , begin to democratise the values on which choices are made .
12 It went up in flames as the lights went out all over Europe .
13 And , miraculously , there was little resistance and I stared in disbelief as the great organ disappeared gloriously and wonderfully from sight I was right behind it with my arm , probing frantically away up to the shoulder as I rotated my wrist again and again till both uterine cornua were fully involuted Ben I was certain beyond doubt that everything was back in place I lay there for a few moments , my arm still deep inside the sow , my forehead resting on the floor .
14 It is twelve times as rich in fats and four times as rich in proteins as the best Jersey cow 's milk .
15 The C'zak language , for example , is the same in essence as the Anglic which is spoken throughout the Imperium . ’
16 Perhaps the razor was in action as the dignitaries were raising the many-coloured flag of Cuzco and the Cuzco song was being thumped out :
17 A run-off election was scheduled to decide the gubernatorial contest in Arizona as no single candidate received more than 50 per cent of the vote .
18 This is a difficult area in practice as the legislation specifies no age at which children may be considered to have the requisite degree of understanding .
19 Protesters have been out in force as the council makes its second attempt to set its annual budget .
20 Joined using binding off , a welt knitted separately should feel the same in wear as a welt knitted at the same time as the garment piece .
21 Bishop Jim Thompson , in Half Way , comments : ‘ The homosexual who has never had a physical relationship , because of religious conviction , or fear , or lack of opportunity , can be subject to the same panic in midlife as the heterosexual spinster or bachelor .
22 That prospect needs to be borne in mind as the rest of the world ponders how to deal with China .
23 Of course , there is a small increase in speed as the climb gets steeper , both because the glider is starting to ascend the arc of a circle and also because of the effects of the wind gradient .
24 Then cast a little further out , over the line of the crease , and watch for the difference in speed as the float travels downstream .
25 Susan Goldin-Meadow 's subjects were unacquainted deaf children ; but they had normal parents who did not try to communicate with them by gesture , or at least not in sequences as the children did :
26 Family Finance : How to keep the cost of dying in check As the cost of a funeral soars , Steve Ellis examines the benefits of the ‘ pay now , go later ’ schemes undertakers are offering
27 Partial economic recovery was evident in December as the threat of direct Iraqi attacks receded .
28 First , that in proportion as the adolescent mind gets absorbed in sex questions , wreckage of life ensures .
29 And they had to admit that what the ‘ fair sex ’ lacked in muscle they made up for in guile as the ladies took a mid-game lead with a well-converted try .
30 French composers , notably Le Jeune , preferred in the 1590s to describe their chansons as ‘ airs ’ and the lute ayre was as definitely French in origin as the madrigal was Italian — and as completely anglicized by the different language .
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