Example sentences of "in [noun] in their " in BNC.

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1 We intend to continue to strongly support the Government in NCVQ in their endeavours to achieve the national targets .
2 While other ions abound in cytoplasm in their millimoles , liberal estimates of free Ca concentrations run around 0.1 micromolar , maximum .
3 ‘ Someone has left us a private house in Colchester in their will and we 've decided to use it as a training house .
4 The 210 children have taken up the panto 's challenge and sought the advice of professional builders so they can construct Wendy 's house in brick in their school yard .
5 This being one of several experiments , involving a limited number of people , its location can be Britain provided the total duration of the course is less than one year and that participants are those who are rooted in action in their own countries . ’
6 A lot of schoolchildren work in restaurants in their holidays and will benefit from such a course .
7 Incidentally , I have used projection television receivers at home for the last 40 years and , possibly their use does not require the eye to be concentrated in one continuous subtended angle , my in eyes in their fourth quarter century still resolve that one minute of arc !
8 The contra leaders , sitting for much of the time in Miami in their well-cut lightweight suits and their gold watches , had purposes in view , some of them not especially noble ; the rebels in the field were mostly tired , variously motivated , and confused .
9 Bankers like to see governments breaking their election promises because this proves that they are in earnest in their attempts to put the economy to rights .
10 We will ensure that every employee has a right to participate in decision-making in their enterprise .
11 Statistics have been published showing numbers of residents supported by local authorities in England in their own homes , and in private and voluntary establishments , for the year ending 31 March 1990 .
12 CHILDREN are equally in danger in their own cots .
13 Males thus tend to maximize their reproductive success by attracting and mating with several females and establishing them in nests in their territories .
14 What in Morris in their own home ?
15 The students seemed to gain in confidence in their ability to make decisions for themselves about what to teach and showed increasing understanding of the need to vary and sequence activities in the course of a lesson .
16 Several of Herbert 's poems now appeared in hymnals in their original form , and T. S. Eliot , himself much admired in the Church of England , wrote a eulogistic essay on Herbert .
17 Subsequently all four men were convicted of smuggling and their defence counsel stated in court in their defence that they were " the dupes and pawns in a high powered enterprise while the real criminals behind the racket were getting away scot free . "
18 This results in changes in their status leading to their participation in sexual life .
19 A common denominator of many of the new churches will be the regular use of these spiritual gifts , but how can we encourage the worshippers to grow in maturity in their use ?
20 I agree with the reasoning of the Court of Appeal in Ontario in their decision in Malette v. Shulman ( 1990 ) 67 D.L.R. ( 4th ) 321 , ( a blood transfusion given to an unconscious card-carrying Jehovah Witness ) .
21 Lochhead 's script is a joy , depicting through its energetic vernacular dialogue the texture of small-town Scottish life in the period , when girls carried bottles of Evening in Paris in their knickers and were in love with Montgomery Clift ; when the pictures cost 1/9d and the Locarno Ballroom on Sauchiehall Street was the place to be on a Saturday night , while at home fathers sat taciturn in armchairs , not listening to their wives .
22 The T-55s , at least , would not have been much in evidence in their previous table-top forays against the Red Army .
23 Sporadic cases are seen in patients in their 20s or early 30s .
24 After victories on Saturday over Cotswold and Victoria ( Street ) , the Ely team of Stewart Seymour , Kevin King , David Bell and Greg Harlow had a quarter-final success yesterday against Victory ( Portsmouth ) and were always in control in their semi-final against Moonfleet Weymouth , who had been in sharp form earlier against Torbay , Preston ( Brighton ) and County Arts Norwich .
25 After I had gone home , Marie checked this by the somewhat crude device of blindfolding the chicks and putting a cotton bud dipped in methylanthranilate in their bills .
26 Hotel coupons paved the way for package holidays because tourists paid for facilities in advance in their own currency , in their own country instead of hunting for somewhere to stay and paying hotel bills as they went .
27 You 're aware that on this side of the room Ryedale have stated in terms in their proof that they do not perceive this land as being part of the open countryside .
28 The Nationalrat on Feb. 28 , 1990 , approved an amendment to the electoral law , with effect from March 17 , to give Austrians living permanently or temporarily abroad the right to vote in Nationalrat and federal presidential elections and in referendums in their home country .
29 Further advancement , however , was slow indeed for those officers who were unable to purchase a step in rank in their turn .
30 we are helping the Amazonian Indians and tribal people in Malaysia in their fight for survival by generating worldwide publicity for their cause , and campaigning to protect their rainforest lands ;
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