Example sentences of "in [noun] with their " in BNC.

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1 Japan is not like the Western type of professional bureaucracy , with its upper echelons of ‘ cosmopolitans ’ well versed in conflicts with their more ‘ local ’ compatriots ( Gouldner , 1957–8 ) .
2 And although the Marian exiles were hurrying back to England , there was no evidence that she was in sympathy with their Calvinist brand of Protestantism .
3 It seems to be because , in their doggie way , they share a similar range of social emotions and behaviour and have a subtle structure in sympathy with their human companions .
4 When she contacted the humanists two years ago , she found herself deeply in sympathy with their values and beliefs .
5 We see ourselves very much in sympathy with their sober , selective approach to what they show , and with their scholarly cataloguing .
6 Can I explain to her that I am fully in sympathy with their monomania ?
7 The lavender hedge , as if in sympathy with their views , failed to survive the first fen winter and Sprogg 's Cottage remained Sprogg 's .
8 The couple live in Sussex with their three children .
9 ( How easily are the words " micro " and " monetarism " recognised in contemporary society , in contrast with their usage five or ten years ago ? )
10 In contrast with their younger counterparts , some of whom at least could hope realistically for the possibility of promotion , the older field men have little ambition , though they retain some sense of mission .
11 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the news that mortgage lenders are introducing a package to assist people who are in difficulty with their mortgages will be commended throughout the country ?
12 In the latter instance a whole timetable was freed for two days , this being in itself an innovation , and two classes , 6 and 7 , combined to work in groups with their teachers and a local inspector .
13 The result is that to be effective the documentation of machine-readable files has to be compiled in parallel with their creation rather than in serial .
14 There are also sexual impulses which they can not incorporate in relationships with their wives , because they and their wives think it would be too animal-like and demeaning to perform them .
15 Cong Poc and his wife Hin lived in Kirkbymoorside with their three children after being forced to flee Vietnam when it was at war with China 14 years ago .
16 Figures for the first half of the year from the Building Societies Association showed that only around 54,360 people were in arrears with their mortgages .
17 In the rural areas , angry farmers prevented officials from evicting those who were in arrears with their mortgage payments .
18 The number of people more than six months in arrears with their mortgage payments rose from 8,420 in 1979 to 41,900 in 1984 and to 45,840 at the beginning of 1988 .
19 A report from the Policy Studies Institute , published in 1990 , indicated that in the Summer and Autumn of 1989 16 per cent of tenants ( more than a million households ) were in arrears with their rents .
20 Over 60,000 Londoners are more than three months in arrears with their mortgage repayments .
21 I ask the Minister to do one more thing for those millions of families , many of whom are part of that 250,000 who are more than six months in arrears with their mortgage repayments , who fear that their homes will be taken from them and who have paid the poll tax .
22 As my hon. Friend the Member for Epping Forest pointed out , 39 mortgage payers out of 40 are not in arrears with their mortgages , and that is after a period of unprecedented expansion of owner-occupation .
23 Finally , if the Prime Minister says , as he rightly does , that one of the centrepieces of reshaping the United Nations so that it can cope with the new challenges to world peace is to strengthen the United Nations ' peacekeeping capacity , why is it that the Government are , I am told , $8 million in arrears with their dues towards United Nations ' peacekeeping ?
24 A biennial budget providing for expenditure of US$180,000,000 was approved ; many countries were in arrears with their contributions .
25 The tenants were not in arrears with their rent and they had , entirely by their own industry , cleared and reclaimed more than two hundred and fifty acres of bog .
26 Like all Save the Children 's community projects , these Centres are developed in partnership with their users and parents are encouraged to play a major role in both running the Centre and raising funds .
27 TransAction should , therefore , reduce delays and make it easier for the consumer to understand the process in partnership with their solicitors .
28 but that surprised the man in the queue and yet interestingly I think that and she said I was right in my assumption that that is part of the partnership philosophy of John Lewis that they work in partnership with their staff and in partnership with the community and they make their profit which is generated to start through the community which they sell to and therefore they quietly give back without wanting to play their own trumpets and in a sense I think that 's how it should be .
29 In opting for the topic the Pope ‘ focused attention across the world on the fact that several million people do not have the minimum necessary to lead a life in accord with their dignity as daughters and sons of God ’ .
30 The essay form has been dominated by scientific models of objectivity , and , as I have already said , students have relied heavily on the repetition of the views of their teachers or the critics , views often not in accord with their own personal response to the texts being studied .
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