Example sentences of "in [noun] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ( The bell tower added to the real church on location at San Juan , California , in Vertigo has already been mentioned . )
2 Field trials in Champagne have also involved the 99 Richter , the 110 Richter , and the 5BB Selection Kober , but as yet , these are not seen as major competitors to the established rootstock varieties .
3 DETECTIVES in the Republic believe a gang of pickpockets which struck recently at shopping centres in Newry have now moved to Cavan where several stores were targeted in recent days .
4 So delightfully muzzy was she that it seemed to her the night in Nice had never happened …
5 However , we were told an application for a house in the open countryside in Montgomeryshire had just been called in .
6 Reception class children involved in fights have also been moved to schools outside the area ‘ for their own safety ’ , we were told by teachers .
7 The other team in question — the main one , anyway -is that of the French , whose new philosophies and related experiments in fiction have often helped sustain the initiatives of modernism since the Second World War .
8 Firms like ICI in Runcorn have far more workers whom they claim are in danger of losing their jobs because of electricity costs .
9 The prevalence of this dimension of psychiatric disturbance in institutions has not been reported .
10 They 're furious that a promised reduction in hours has n't happened , although health chiefs say they 're doing all they can .
11 Council bosses in Sheffield had already scrapped the boiler-check system .
12 The UK House of Commons defence committee , reporting on Aug. 9 on the preliminary lessons of this so-called " Operation Granby " , noted that it had " stretched " the country 's military resources to the extent that its operational capability in Germany had effectively been destroyed .
13 Yet the electorally oriented ultra-right 's slide in Germany had far from spelt the end of the ‘ new right ’ that emerged throughout western Europe in the past decade .
14 Hostility against US troops stationed in Panama had steadily risen in immediately preceding months , and US personnel and their families were restricted from straying beyond the precincts of military bases .
15 Although sheep numbers in Sussex have now risen to nearly pre-war numbers , comparatively few are to be found on permanent downland pasture .
16 Selsey in Sussex has also disappeared in the post-Roman period .
17 The Evening Gazette in Middlesbrough has also refused to apply for media passes for similar reasons .
18 The journalist with whom I 'd joined TWW on the same week from sister papers in Cardiff had wickedly gone into another room to make the mischievous call .
19 A four-week pilot course in Cardiff has just been successfully completed .
20 But the woman who was born the youngest of seven children in Tiger Bay in Cardiff has always lived life to the full .
21 In these circumstances , stocks and work in progress have not be sub-classified .
22 Some voiced sounds may become devoiced under the influence of surrounding voiceless sounds : the /L/ in play has very little voicing ; the /r/ in tray loses some voicing , making it slightly fricative ; the /v/ in fivepence will also be devoiced ( because of the /p/ ) and may even be assimilated to a voiceless /f/ : / " faifpens/ .
23 Almost everything done by the administration in Masailand had as one of its objects greater control over the Masai .
24 In the remoter rural areas , where agriculture has traditionally held a virtual monopoly of employment opportunities , the declining demand for labour in agriculture has historically led to widespread rural depopulation .
25 It is apparent that trade unions in agriculture have never been sufficiently strong to raise wages beyond that level which the labour market has already determined .
26 In recent years increases in grant have not been sufficient to compensate for inflationary costs , particularly books and journals , and so additional sources of income have had to be found , in the form of sponsorships , grants , bequests , and donations .
27 In Emendatio Vitae he acknowledges the variety of modes of expressing this kind of insight : He continues with a memorable expression of the joy in the play of faith " myrth in mynde had gostely for lufar euerlastynge , with grete voys oowt brekand " ( 12.127.16 – 28 ) .
28 Previous dramatic increases in uptake have now begun to level off , with changing patterns within the participating sectors now becoming more significant ; for example , schools ' candidate registrations have almost reached parity with the further education sector .
29 The use of CFCs as propellants in aerosols has now largely been eliminated , but the other two uses remain a problem .
30 Employees of the National Semiconductor company arriving for work in Swindon had more on their minds than usual this morning .
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