Example sentences of "in [noun] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The context for this shift in direction was to be found in wider pressures to reduce state spending and , above all , levels of state borrowing to finance such expenditure .
2 Standing side by side the men in suits were from the union , the men in overalls from the management .
3 Internal matters in Zanzibar are in the exclusive jurisdiction of the Zanzibar executive , the Revolutionary Council of Zanzibar .
4 There must be something we can pick out if a difference in judgement is to be justified .
5 Finally , in 1988 in Action for Cities , it was announced that the Lower Don Valley in Sheffield was to be a UDC , covering about 2,000 hectares with a seven-year budget of £50 million .
6 a sample of 25 students stratified by course ; sample sizes in strata are to be proportionally allocated and a simple random sampling scheme used ,
7 Far too many of them lost all contact with the education system after the age of 16 and far larger numbers in England than in Germany were in dead-end jobs without any training at all . ’
8 THE murder of two Turkish women and three Turkish girls in Solingen , a steel town near Cologne , has turned to ashes the assurances Chancellor Helmut Kohl gave in Ankara last month that violent racism in Germany was on the wane .
9 Agriculture in Germany was in many ways a mixture of old and new .
10 How wide the sphere of the duty of care in negligence is to be laid depends ultimately on the court 's assessment of the demands of society for protection from the carelessness of others .
11 Sotheby 's are closing their Chester and Glasgow branches , and their Billingshurst rooms in Sussex are under a progressive closure threat .
12 of all grey geese identified in Sussex are of this species .
13 A CAFE in Middlesbrough is on a collision course with the borough council over its opening hours .
14 The analogizing of knowing to seeing may pervade the concrete experience of coming to know , in the mystic 's vision flooded with light ; or it may be explicit in parable , as in Plato 's of mankind misled by illusory appearance as prisoners in a cave who see only the shadows on the wall .
15 Indeed , time as treated in physics is at best a series of abstractions .
16 EUROPE 'S richest indoor women 's tennis tournament in Brighton is in danger of collapsing after Midland Bank yesterday withdrew their sponsorship .
17 EUROPE 'S richest indoor women 's tennis tournament in Brighton is in danger of collapsing after Midland Bank yesterday withdrew their sponsorship .
18 An increase in P is across the board , affecting all groups of workers equally and posing no threat to the structure of established wage differentials .
19 Skill in letter-writing is by no means evenly distributed among the population and letter-writers can not be said to be representative of the general population .
20 In terms of faith development , such personal involvement will give the possibility of added meaning being brought to actions which in adolescence are in danger of becoming mere external observances e.g. prayer and attendance at Mass .
21 The best account of Emerson 's last year in FI is in Keke 's memoir of his two years with Fittipaldi .
22 Much practical work in agriculture is of an empirical type and the ‘ practical ’ farmer is often characterized by an empirical approach as contrasted with perhaps the more theoretically-based approach of his son who has attended agricultural college or university and who understands some of the theory underlying a more scientific approach to agriculture .
23 I spoke to the chairman of the Sports Council this morning and pointed out that the increase in grant is in excess of inflation .
24 The experience of the early Christians depicted in Acts was without doubt an experience of release , as they came to abandon practices which they found restrictive , and which had been encapsulated in laws which served to keep the Jews apart from the rest of the nations .
25 Even the food in camp was of poor quality and there was little opportunity for relaxation .
26 These ‘ last days ’ have in measure been with us since his crucifixion two thousand years ago .
27 They were in Hennessey 's in the Strand and tucked into a corner .
28 Advice to visitors issued in March was to be vigilant at all times , avoid Dairut and Assiut where the most serious attacks have occurred unless carrying out essential business , and dress and behave discreetly .
29 ‘ With nearly two million television viewers a week becoming hooked on the World Scrabble Championships last autumn , interest in Scrabble is at its highest point ever , ’ said Ray Perry , of Scrabble 's makers Spear 's Games .
30 In Young 's time most of the cattle in Norfolk were in fact Scottish by origin , brought from their native regions to fatten in East Anglia , but the Norfolk Red was an old local middle-horned breed not unlike the Devon in colour and horn growth , and described as ‘ as loose and ill-made as bad Suffolks ’ .
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