Example sentences of "in [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Abroad , and especially in Europe , there was widespread decline in esteem for the USA .
2 This is picture-by-picture finance , depending on such chancy things as the tastes of producers and directors , or a type of story in vogue at the moment ( a spy boom brings filmmakers to Europe ; a Western boom could drive them home ) .
3 Enterprise zones — which seduce businesses into poor areas with attractive tax breaks — are currently back in vogue at the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development .
4 What the mother finally decides to do will probably result from the opinion of someone else — whether that someone is her own mother , the local midwife or whichever childcare expert happens to be in vogue at the time .
5 Bear in mind that issues should reflect fundamental concerns ( in relation to the level of study ) , and might also include those problems that arise frequently , or are in vogue at the time of the study .
6 Placards do seem to be in vogue at the moment : there is a pastiche of Bob Dylan 's ‘ Subterranean Homesick Blues ’ lyrics-on-cards promo film in Bob Roberts and super photographer Steven Meisel used slogans on white cards in a recent celebrity shoot for Italian Vogue .
7 All the pop songs in vogue at the time were sung communally — songs such as those from the award-winning film , Hong Gaoliang ( Red Sorghum ) and the virtual national anthem of youth during 1988 , ‘ Yi Wu Suo You ’ , ‘ The One Who Has Nothing ’ .
8 I think its the pressure 's you see in er magazines at the moment its the , the full lip look , you know , erm , that certain models have sort of erm put in Vogue at the moment and
9 This new fashion for dressing a corpse was to remain in vogue for the next fifty years .
10 The acknowledged leader in modern first editions , which have been greatly in vogue for the last two years .
11 Happily , the Edwardians had considerable good taste , which is more than can be said for some of the awful designs of the late fifties which were in vogue during the transition from more traditional styles .
12 They were made in silver , Sheffield plate or earthenware and were in vogue from the mid-18th century until about 1820 .
13 The term ‘ regionalism ’ was itself in vogue in a number of related disciplines , particularly geography and sociology .
14 Restio 's father 's portrait belongs to a different tradition from that in vogue in the Hellenistic world ( contrast fig. 14 ; compare fig. 16 ) .
15 This was much in vogue in the 1960s , due not only to the fashionable ideas of Marshall McLuhan , but the more serious earlier work by Wiener ( 1948 ) and Shannon and Weaver ( 1949 ) , but as time has passed doubts have grown not so much about its existence , but rather whether it does not constitute two distinct fields of machine and human communication , for which information theory can not provide a unifying paradigm .
16 positivism , with its emphasis on orderly , scientific advancement , was in vogue amongst the intelligentsia .
17 The neo-conservative economic policies in vogue throughout the West for the past decade have served to redistribute income upwards , creating the infamous Yuppies with their taste for BMWs and white wines .
18 As we will show , almost nothing of this popular conception survives a thorough examination of the day-to-day practices and the explanations that are vouchsafed for them in vogue among the folk who inhabit these notorious places .
19 Is there an invariant property that links edges in objects to the retinal image ?
20 Flower-lined terraces descended in tiers to the three miles of white sand beach .
21 In the early second century women continued to be portrayed with their hair piled in tiers above the brow , but the tightly restrained locks were deeply unflattering in comparison with the coiffures of Flavian portraits .
22 Lovely landscaped terraces rise in tiers above the swimming pool from where the views are quite superb .
23 The audience sat in tiers round the front half of the orchestra , which thus served to separate them from the skene . )
24 During the Saturday morning rehearsal , with Beecham conducting the Vancouver Symphony , the players arranged in tiers from the podium to the back of the stage , a disquieting incident occurred : in the midst of a quiet passage in a Mozart divertimento the tympany player , one George W. Ball , accidentally dropped the cymbal , which rolled down with clanging crashes to rest at the conductor 's feet .
25 In Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls , Dr Schonfield offers a detailed explanation of how precisely the Atbash Cipher works .
26 The Magistrate , standing in hesitation on the verandah , was illuminated by a rare shaft of watery sunlight for a moment and his whiskers flared more brilliantly than ever but then the sun moved on , extinguishing them .
27 Where the vines are ungrafted they are normally cultivated en foule , following the system of vine training which was universal in Champagne during the nineteenth century .
28 Relative peace ensued in Champagne in the years which followed , although it was not until the coronation of Louis XI in 1461 that the French nobility were able to express their new solidarity .
29 Written by Dom Pérignon 's pupil and immediate successor at Hautvillers , the treatise must be regarded as the most authoritative contemporary account , not only of the state of viticulture and viniculture in Champagne in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries , but also of Dom Pérignon 's particular contribution to the art of winemaking .
30 The first ‘ relief half-tone ’ appeared in 1854 with a print by Paul Pretsch ( who took out the patent in London ) and de la Rue of ‘ The Scene in Gaeta after the Explosion .
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