Example sentences of "in [noun] [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 A series of shake-ups here has already seen two leading vendors , Georgia , Roswell-based , Computone Systems Inc and the UK firm Specialix Ltd , Byfleet , Surrey , reining back their operations in attempts to re-position themselves .
2 Digby Wyatt 's earliest extant building is the Gothic Aldingham Hall , Cumbria , of 1846 to 1850 , and although he designed the Pompeian , Byzantine , English Gothic , Italian and Renaissance Courts at the re-erected Crystal Palace at Sydenham in 1854 , and The Art Journal commented that he had ‘ in practice attached himself more heartily to the classic ’ , he felt , like Scott , that the nineteenth century should have its particular form of architecture , but unlike Scott , he thought that this should be an adaptation of the Cinquecento style .
3 Just over a century ago the island of Krakatoa in Indonesia blew itself out of existence .
4 I am currently in therapy to enable myself to hear the song Schiehallion , Schiehallion without the scent of tomato soup filling my nostrils and the overwhelming urge to murder .
5 The letter asked whether there could remain within CPSU ranks people who encouraged splits , engaged in factionalism and who " by their views and conduct have in effect placed themselves outside the party " .
6 The plot of each book is built on the physical fact of impersonation : the emotional content depends on character , as the Englishman in effect proves himself worthy to be a king in more than mere appearance .
7 In choosing a kasabat kadilik , then , a student was in effect shutting himself off from the high offices of state and , provided that he intended to stay within the learned profession , dooming himself to a lifetime of service in the kasabat kadiliks unless he could somehow get back into the medrese stream .
8 Another former confidant , John Biffen , in effect removed himself from the government after coded criticism of the Prime Minister 's strident , dogmatic style .
9 And yet an Englishman 's relation to English culture and its traditions may be more tormented than Schniedau allows for , especially if the Englishman in question defines himself as , or aspires to be , an English artist .
10 There are a vast variety of natural human languages which contain no word for man other than the tribal name by which the people in question identify themselves .
11 The journalists in question consider themselves to be the media equivalent of the praetorian guard .
12 Farmers in Scotland ask themselves four main questions :
13 Later , after four years in detention during the Mau Mau Emergency , he worked for an Indian workshop in Nairobi establishing himself as the pioneer manufacturer of bicycle carriers and foreguards .
14 The thought that this was something that would be more useful than anything else in Ireland formed itself treacherously and slimily in Fenella 's mind .
15 Bakers in England content themselves with Hot Cross Buns at Easter .
16 The two dominant trends in philosophy subordinated themselves to science : French positivism , associated with the school of the curious Auguste Comte , and British empiricism , associated with John Stuart Mill , not to mention the mediocre thinker whose influence was then greater than any other anywhere in the world , Herbert Spencer ( 1820–1903 ) .
17 Moreover , everyone who holds cash or non-interest-bearing deposits in banks finds himself in the camp of the wealth-losing lenders .
18 I think the important thing to remember there is that erm we regard ourselves as having and people who work in universities regard themselves as having a special obligation and indeed to use their own special skills in order indeed to define the needs of society in their own special field and then to do what they can to satisfy .
19 What Benjamin means by ‘ aura ’ or ‘ auratic art ’ is very much what Weber meant by the aesthetic in modernity constituting itself as a separate value sphere .
20 If you are lacking in confidence ask yourself what most frightens you .
21 Recently the junior staff at Southmead Hospital in Bristol found themselves in bitter dispute with the hospital management over the terms and conditions of their employment .
22 Thus from the beginning the community in Donegal found themselves in opposition to state policy when they raised questions over the implications of uranium prospecting and mining .
23 Get emphasizes the obtaining of a result : ( 169 ) Quite apart from the difficulty of getting subjects to behave " naturally " in the course of a psychological investigation , there is the difficulty of getting what is significant in behaviour to exhibit itself clearly .
24 In Act Two God comes in person to make himself known .
25 The Romanians have been leaving Pontins Bream Sands centre in Somerset to turn themselves in at police stations across the west country .
26 In the event , the restored Anglican church of the 1660s was a conservative , in some respects even Laudian church , which large numbers of Presbyterians , Baptists , and Quakers could not in conscience bring themselves to join .
27 It was whilst working my way through this , often writing in the column headings for several pages in advance to give myself the illusion that I had completed more than I actually had , that two important suspicions that had lain dormant for some time rose up and took on the aspect of horribly credible hypotheses .
28 At the waiting-room door there was a man in shirt-sleeves fanning himself with a straw hat .
29 The same might be said of the individuals in Britain considering themselves members of the ‘ middle class ’ : there is not an essential characteristic common to them all , which could be discovered by theoretical reflection .
30 One problem with that is that the feminist movement in Europe distances itself from the mass movement .
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