Example sentences of "in [noun] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 In practice , the nationalized industries are subject to Whitehall and civil servants often re-examine the major management decisions ( and some minor ones ) in case points of principle arise , in particular considering whether investment and pricing policies are satisfactory from the ministry 's point of view .
2 The aim was to put south Korea on a viable footing in case unification of the peninsula was postponed for some years .
3 The initial increase in balances with the Bank of England of £10 billion has allowed banks to create new advances ( and hence deposits ) of £90 billion , making a total increase in money supply of £100 billion .
4 This is the estimated pay-off in money terms of a given event multiplied by the probability of that event occurring .
5 This is the estimated pay-off in money terms of a given event multiplied by the probability of that event occurring .
6 De-horning was first carried out , largely successfully , in semi-desert areas of Namibia in 1990 , and Zimbabwe embarked on the practice with some of its white rhinos in 1991 .
7 In philology , which is the study of how languages have developed through history , ablaut refers to the systematic vowel changes in verb forms of Indo-European languages , as in drive , drove , driven .
8 1 — in west half of room , stunned , unable to move or attack or cast spells for D4 rounds , but can parry with a -20 penalty .
9 3 — dumped on seat of pants in west half of room , penalty of -10 to WS , BS and I for first round only .
10 4 — standing in west half of room , no penalties .
11 ‘ For a full-time working family paying income tax and national insurance contributions , and receiving income-related benefits , an extra £1 of gross earnings can lead to an increase in income tax of 25p , a 9p increase in national insurance contributions , a 46p reduction in family credit , and a 17p reduction in Housing Benefit — a total of 97p ’ ( Hansard , 28 July 1988 , col. 509 ) .
12 One is the likely reduction in rail carriage of freight , and the consequent increase in road haulage .
13 On Dec. 17 Simon Mechale , the commissioner heading the government 's Relief and Rehabilitation Commission , told representatives in Addis Ababa of UN agencies and donor countries that 1,280,000 tonnes of emergency food relief would be needed in 1992 to feed some 7,400,000 people .
14 In 1983 , CILT provided three anonymous descriptions of modern languages PGCE courses , one in a Polytechnic and two in university departments of education .
15 His name does not appear in university records of the time , but in September 1775 he was ordained in London , and appointed to curacies first at Tideswell , and in the following year at Wirksworth , also in Derbyshire , but at double the stipend , £60 p.a .
16 Example A : A single postgraduate student from a hot country should allow approximately £6,000 in living costs for a twelve-month study period at the University of Edinburgh if staying in University Halls of Residence .
17 The approximate charge for the majority of places in University Halls of Residence is likely to be around £63 per week .
18 The approximate charge for the majority of places in University Halls of Residence is likely to be around £64 per week .
19 Even before his death in 337 , Constantine inaugurated many building schemes but , after him , one of the most famous names in building history of the empire is that of the Emperor Justinian who acceded in 527 .
20 Muthesius documents in detail the interests of the professions involved in building streets of terraced properties : the speculators , suppliers of materials , planning controllers and architects .
21 This additional need to prove negligence imposes a considerable burden on the plaintiff , but where a Code of Practice is in existence failure of the water authority to adhere to the Code 's terms , will provide valuable evidence of their negligence .
22 The essence of it is that information is material if it is likely to make a difference in user evaluations of financial statements .
23 Finally , in all applications fields , the findings of the reviews above suggest that there is a need for improvements in user interfaces of all kinds .
24 However , in Coca-Cola Co. of Canada Ltd. v Pepsi-Cola Co. of Canada Ltd. ( 1942 ) , it was held that PEPSI-COLA was not too close to COCA-COLA because the suffix COLA was a word that had become common and descriptive of a type of beverage ; that is , a generic word .
25 Both Braintree and Clacton lost their unbeaten records in Division A of the Second XI competition and Copdock 's John Garnham cracked a career best 119 ( four sixes and 13 fours ) against St. Margaret 's in Division B.
26 For its third year Paris 's Salon du Dessin de Collection has moved from its intimate setting in basement rooms of the Hotel George V to the altogether grander Grand Palais .
27 A presidential decree of June 12 instructed the Defence Committee to implement measures establishing a republican National Guard — the third attempt to create such a force , according to an article in Moskovskiye novosti of June 26 .
28 The legal grounds for restricting his freedom of movement were hazy ; an article in Moskovskiye novosti of Oct. 25 pointed out that it was unclear from which country Gorbachev could not leave — the Soviet Union or Russia .
29 Vil Mirzayanov had co-authored an article entitled " Poisoned Policy " in Moskovskiye novosti of Sept. 20 , which claimed that Russia was continuing development and testing of chemical weapons , despite signing the draft treaty banning chemical weapons adopted in Geneva in September [ see p. 39121 ] .
30 Many of the smaller technological targets were in the province of SOE , but one , the new components in radar equipment of a German site some hundred yards from the top of a 300-foot cliff near Bruneval ( see map p. 28 ) , was attacked by a small force of paratroops supported by a seaborne commando party covering the withdrawal .
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