Example sentences of "in [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 They 're a lot of the problems in tend to be directed towards or because of the flats .
2 The ‘ assumptions ’ of the topmost box can include more than experience puts there , but whatever finds its way in has to be transformed by deduction into predictions which can be tested by observation .
3 Erm there are all sorts of little rules , the every black sack that comes in has to be gone through , no matter how grotty , somewhere inside it there might be some really very , very valuable piece of equipment .
4 The grounds were that he had used up his grant entitlement in qualifying to be a teacher .
5 But the exact nature of the value-adding processes that it is appropriate for librarians and information scientists to engage in needs to be precisely defined .
6 Incidentally , the good art critic should be the reader 's friend in refusing to be impressed by art market prices .
7 If one is brave enough to try the draft out on critical , expert colleagues , one can be reasonably sure that what emerges at the end will be free of double questions , ambiguities , leading questions , and so on , and the helpful colleagues , in pretending to be informants , will also probably have thought up some difficult-to-classify answers too .
8 In seeking to be innovative and adventurous , church musicians will need to be careful not to abandon the traditional repertoire or to relegate it to second place .
9 Nor is there any requirement that evidence must be in writing to be persuasive .
10 However , in the light of the importance of this decision to the United States ' court , to the parties to the proceedings in that court and in clarifying the law of England , we announced our intention of expressing our full reasons in writing to be delivered at a later date .
11 With a view toward facilitating the use of electronic bills of lading , the Law Commissions recommended that the Secretary of State be empowered to ‘ make provision by regulations for information given by means other than in writing to be of equivalent force and effect as if it had been given in writing . ’
12 Both Kubla and the Abyssinian maid are human creations so in a sense they are God — but Coleridge 's hubris in wanting to be God himself is doomed to failure .
13 I tried to explore the problems Mrs Singh would have in attempting to be a fully participating parent but the educational psychologist seemed to feel that this was a problem common to many Cedars parents .
14 In aiming to be more than a mere common market , the Treaty emphasised the principle that the problems of one member state would be the problems of all .
15 Thirdly , although its intention is to encourage depth it can end up as being rather superficial , and indeed possibly dangerous , in failing to be aware of the pitfalls into which meditation not properly understood can fall .
16 ‘ Well , sir ? ’ he asked Sharpe , but in a nervous voice which suggested that he expected his temerity in asking to be met with a savage reproof .
17 On present trends , there will be serious problems in continuing to be able to supply that particular need .
18 The first two categories represent the initial stages of involvement in learning to be a nurse .
19 It is no doubt all to the good that we should rid ourselves of the delusion that our mortal bodies are inhabited by immortal souls , but , in claiming to be human beings , we are asserting our capacity for exercising moral choice and that implies moral responsibility .
20 In claiming to be ‘ self=begot ’ he is claiming isolation , a refusal to see anything outside his own existence and an unreality which leads to blindness .
21 The irony is that the skins in trying to be ‘ authentic ’ have ended up reviving an idea of working class culture which is frozen at precisely the point when a ‘ real ’ , ‘ authentic ’ working class identity was being positively eaten away from outside .
22 Sometimes , although she chided herself for the thought , it seemed as if in trying to be unselfish and giving him what he wanted , she had allowed herself to be turned into a sacrifice .
23 In trying to be all things to all men it became over-complex . ’
24 Erm so I think this hearing on the sixteenth of July will be quite useful in trying to be able to i identify that this display unit relates to Newark and not to Mansfield .
25 She said even less and was , in fact , having the utmost difficulty in trying to be natural with him .
26 Shares in had to be suspended on the Paris stock exchange collapsing after the company announced a massive loss .
27 ‘ I thought he showed great courage in agreeing to be in what was after all an undergraduate revue . ’
28 Professional interpreters and translators are not alone in needing to be able to display bilingual skills : teachers , businesspeople , administrators , welfare service personnel and trade unionists are going to want such skills , but none more so , perhaps , than those who train language teachers .
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