Example sentences of "in [Wh det] [pron] should " in BNC.

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1 The pressures might be conveniently categorized as follows : duties , obligations , loyalties and convictions , and arguably that is the order of priority in which they should be followed .
2 Outside directors and company bosses disagreed most strongly over whether non-executives should help develop business strategy , and over the sort of decisions in which they should have the final say .
3 These concerned matters that were a pure technicality ( being allowed to run an advertisement that they would have had no intention of ever running again ) and a virtual truism ( being told that future circumstances may arise in which they should be reasonably able to readdress the issues at hand ) .
4 He felt so curious to visit it that he did not stop to make any detailed arrangements about the order in which they should go down .
5 Thus , although I recognise that the most striking feature of the events in suit is , from the point of view of a criminal lawyer , that they happened after charge , I can not accept that this is the only perspective in which they should be viewed .
6 So always treat those in exactly the same way as you would a normal roundabout , so that you 're coming up and always assuming that people should give way etcetera in the manner in which they should unless the roundabout directs otherwise .
7 Our first criterion then suggests that this is a process about which arts teachers should be aware , and in which they should not collude .
8 They gave her time to hide and threw dice to decide the order in which they should go after her , a five-minute interval between each departure .
9 Then we drew lots to decide the order in which we should improvise , night by night .
10 In this chapter , I would like to examine the relevance of these guidelines for the direction in which we should be seeking to reform the basic economic institutions of the U K economy .
11 And I believe it is something in which we should all be involved .
12 ‘ Leicester is a city in which we should expect to have a good general bookshop , and we shall be looking for a bigger and better site in the city . ’
13 That is the way in which we should deport ourselves .
14 If the Conservative Government were serious about a genuine effort to reach a consensus about the way in which we should mirror what is taking place in the rest of Europe — east , central and west — and in the United States and Canada with the devolving and decentralisation of services , we should be happy to reach an agreement with them .
15 There seems to be a struggle , which Milton perhaps did not intend , between the reader 's response to Satan as a powerful and convincing character and the way in which one should react to such a malevolent force .
16 And , despite the luxurious comfort of the aeroplane — in which she should have been able to relax her tired mind and body — she felt totally overwhelmed by the day 's events .
17 Are there ways in which you should adjust your attitudes to .
18 ‘ That is an extraordinary achievement in which you should all take pride .
19 Whatever the outcome of those particular appeals ( in which I should declare my professional interest as representative of both Dr Colman and the journalists ) it seems inevitable that English courts , indirectly influenced by Europe , will eventually develop coherent constitutional and legal principles to review the substance of administrative decisions .
20 ‘ It is obvious that I have been exploited for propaganda purposes in a film in which I should never have allowed myself to appear , ’ he bitterly commented afterwards .
21 Now this was to be the country in which I should eat and sleep , read books and write letters for the rest of the war .
22 From that analysis there emerged a call for a ‘ broad ’ , ‘ balanced ’ , ‘ coherent ’ ‘ relevant ’ and ‘ differentiated ’ curriculum , in which there should be a good match of learning experience and materials of a particular subject to the child 's abilities .
23 Pound 's forbearance towards Williams remains astonishing , the more when we realize that Williams 's challenge to him came when he was remarkably uncertain and at sea about his own talents and the direction in which he should go .
24 This case differs from the case in which the agent cognitively agreed , i.e. expressed a belief that a person has certain rights in a situation in which he should have known that the hearer may reasonably rely on the utterance to his detriment .
25 And they all confirmed what Alvar Fañez had said ; and the Cid thanked them for their love , and said that there might come a time in which he should guerdon them .
26 Even such things as the maximum angle of bank in certain configurations are specified , so once a pilot sets out on a particular flight his actions , or at least the manner in which he should fly the aeroplane , are known in precise detail .
27 Brent London Borough Council the applicant local authorities claimed that they should be entitled to make representations to the minister as to the way in which he should exercise his powers concerning local authority grants .
28 States that ‘ the process of environmental assessment should not be imposed where it is not required by the Directive ’ and gives guidance on the circumstances in which it should be used .
29 Wednesday 8am : Officials from Buckingham Palace and Number 10 finalise the details of the statement and discuss the way in which it should be handled .
30 The disparity of provision partly reflects the lack of understanding by teachers of the purpose of a school library , and ways in which it should be used in the curriculum , so that it is still regarded as a peripheral concern , a room open for pupils in the lunch hour and for English lessons for children to borrow books .
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