Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [pers pn] 's " in BNC.

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1 Macho man usually prefers talking to his own sex because it 's safer , and he 's more interested in proving he 's as ‘ male ’ as his peer group than in entering a relationship which requires an ability to give , to love , to be tender .
2 It should be noted that this figure excludes sales to the UK sector of the North Sea which are not classified as exports and reinforces the point made in last year 's survey , that the Mechanical engineering sector in Grampian is having considerable success in widening it 's export markets .
3 No , if a complaints made in writing it 's good .
4 You 've got to have all that side of it , and if you 're in teaching it 's a bit ridiculous to be in any job if you do n't know something about the history of it .
5 And also last Friday at education committee there was a long debate , both on the procedure which would be adopted by the working party , in discharging it 's remit and in particular the policy which it recommended regarding small schools , and also an extended debate on one of the areas which was a subject of recommendation by the er , district auditor which concerns the organisation of first and middle schooling in the Meer area , and there the working party did look very specifically at the recommendation that was made by the district auditor that decided on balance that that was n't likely to produce the best and most cost effective education in that part of the county .
6 ‘ I know that in thinking he 's worthy of you , you become worthy of him . ’
7 But in shopping it 's not like that is it ?
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