Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It will be hard , as only one in ten succeed in abstaining for more than a year .
2 It was the moment when there was new interest in cooking in this country , but nowhere to buy kitchen equipment .
3 One requires a background of considerable behavioural complexity before one is justified in attributing to any creature beliefs , intentions and so on .
4 If you are interested in helping in any way with either of these posts ( they are both part of our Publicity Department Plan ) please talk to or .
5 Quiksilver had created the richest prize in surfing for this contest : $50,000 for the winner .
6 How much worse it must be for those who have n't been as fortunate as I in recovering from such trauma .
7 If he has used it to swell his bank balance , it will be presumed that , in drawing on that balance , he has drawn out his own money before touching trust money ; if he has made an investment with trust money — even an investment which is itself a breach of trust — that investment is still trust property , to which the trustees ’ creditors have no claim .
8 Man , naturally slothful according to Malthus , only spread into more adverse climes thanks to the local scarcities of food entailed by his excess fertility ; with later settlers always eventually victorious because made doubly energetic in struggling with both rigorous conditions and previous settlers .
9 You 're coming over so that we can discuss the demand that the women 's movement is making for free contraception and abortion on demand , and the strategy that our local women 's group might develop in struggling for that at a local level , how we relate to other women and groups of women in the area , how the abortion issue relates to other ones .
10 Research carried out in 1985 showed that 44% of Chief Nursing Officers did not have 5 " O " levels yet presumably they had coped with the rigours of a career in nursing at all levels ( 2 ) .
11 The research includes consultations with some of those engaged in forecasting in each of these countries .
12 In reacting to each other they " may develop attitudes and habits similar to the ones desired by management .
13 Living in a racially articulated and predicated world , I could not be alone in reacting to this aspect of the American cultural and historical condition .
14 The tragic thing is that in reacting against such unhelpful literalism too many of us assume that the war is not real .
15 In setting up such a scheme great care needs to be taken in explaining to all participants the rationale behind the decision and the positive gains involved .
16 The second part , I thought might be useful to members in explaining in more detail what each of the schemes were about .
17 If you experience difficulty in keeping to this timetable you should communicate promptly with Suzanne Pinnington ( on extension number 227 ) at Napier House .
18 There are obvious PR advantages in cooperating with such projects when approached , sometimes financial benefits can be achieved as well , where companies are prepared to pay substantial sums for the use of our facilities for filming .
19 Clearly , there will be a wide overlap between the role of the environment in contributing to this external cause of a rhythm , its effect upon an organism 's behaviour , and its ability to adjust the body clock .
20 If you would be interested in contributing in some way please telephone .
21 To Victorian eyes , any interior from that earlier period might have seemed underfurnished ; but the construction that George Eliot puts on the dominance of walls and ceiling is decisively Victorian in its moral emphasis : ‘ in walking through these rooms with their splendid ceilings and their meagre furniture , which tell how all the spare money had been absorbed before personal comfort was thought of , I have felt that there dwelt in this old English baronet some of that sublime spirit which distinguishes art from luxury , and worships beauty apart from self-indulgence ’ .
22 It 's no secret that those guerrilla bands contain a fair proportion of characters who are just as undesirable as the dictatorial governments they 're supposed to be fighting and who would have no hesitation in disposing of those $60,000 missiles , at a fraction of their cost , to any passing terrorists who , in turn , would have no hesitation in loosing off one of those missiles at a passing Boeing 747 , preferably one packed with five hundred American citizens .
23 By late 1989 ADMARC had succeeded in disposing of most of its 25 agricultural estates , many to Malawian entrepreneurs , but also to the Commonwealth Development Corporation and the US-based multinational Cargill .
24 Interest rates will have to remain painfully high for some months , and departmental spending will be made to stay within the current planning totals : even the big-spending ministers recognise they are involved in bidding against each other , rather than against the Treasury .
25 In disengaging from that strategy and withdrawing to his study to memorialize the de Gaulle of history , the General reverted to his original concept of the leader-in-reserve — the solitary hero to whom the nation would inevitably turn in a moment of dire emergency .
26 I do not mourn for Mr. Fyfe , but is he to be branded a dishonest man because of the Government 's insensitivity in railroading through these unwanted applications ?
27 It stops INTERRUPTIONS If you take turns in listening to each other you will wait for the other person to finish before you come in .
28 Half of our exercise in listening to each other is to know where we are .
29 The Manchester Citizens Corporation was alone in lobbying for such provision , but its capability in this area became increasingly constrained towards the end of the Programme period ( see below ) .
30 In the half-fictional The Happy-Go-Lucky Morgans , and in the pruned record of The Childhood , Thomas has left detailed accounts of his extending interest in ‘ Butterflies , Moths and Pigeons ’ , in fishing , in birdnesting of all kinds , with the skills and making of implements that accompanied these activities .
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