Example sentences of "in [det] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We 've been lucky in that companies and organisations have been supportive of our appeal .
2 Again , the deposition of pollen is timed to suit its germination in that stigmas and anthers are synchronized , whereas the site for germination of a seed may occur randomly in time as well as space in the regenerating gaps of forest .
3 Many believe the government recently took the confusion between public service and commercial logic to its ultimate fatuity in another areas when it announced it would shut down one third of all the country 's post offices to provide the public with , in its words , a better postal service .
4 ‘ It was unfortunate in this circumstances that we could not cover the match but there is no dispute between us and the club , ’ said Mr Tames .
5 I du n no if you 're supposed to put water in this dinners or what ?
6 The radial shields are visible in some specimens but in others they are partially or totally obscured by the spinelets .
7 If the landlord attempts to take counter measures ( eg by erecting lockable posts in some spaces and issuing keys to some of the tenants and not others ) he may face an action for interfering with the other tenants ' easements .
8 It did n't matter to be honest in some contracts whether we won or lost against other people low paid workers , exploitation by the contractors .
9 In the discussions of the mid-1970s it was hoped in some institutions that this step might be the forerunner of others involving greater delegation of powers .
10 Why should sandwich courses in engineering exist in some institutions and not others ?
11 Listening is harder work in some circumstances than in others .
12 Interactivity will be more effective in some circumstances than in others and there will always be cases where passive learning is best .
13 Coping with nurse training after marriage and childbearing can obviously be difficult in some circumstances but may be delayed until children are more independent .
14 In some circumstances as the cases show , Mr. Lawson referred to them in his skeleton argument , prejudice will be presumed from substantial delay .
15 Particles of spin 0 , 1 , or 2 do also exist in some circumstances as real particles , when they can be directly detected .
16 Indeed , the only way in which a society can come to terms with its conflicting values is to prefer one value in some circumstances and another in different conditions .
17 It presupposes a reasonable belief in the existence of some other reasons for which consent is valid in some circumstances and the misled person 's mistaken belief that these reasons apply to his case .
18 One feels sorry for the little ones in some circumstances and they nearly become like children — but not quite .
19 External courses are likely to continue to be the only viable way of meeting some needs in some circumstances and in the interests of promoting maximum effectiveness , further attention could very usefully be given to two areas in particular .
20 If a rule is good in some circumstances and bad in others , it will sometimes be missed when it should be used if its weight is low ; but it may be mis-applied if its weight is high .
21 First , in some circumstances and to some degree , the biological similarities between human and non-human animals permit valid extrapolation of research findings from the latter to the former .
22 For example , fair dealing for research purposes might have allowed decompilation in some circumstances and implied licences might have been appropriate in some cases involving error correction and back-up copies .
23 They also do an award-winning Steinlager from New Zealand , a type of lager already available in some off-licences and you may remember the logos from their sponsorship of the last Rugby Union World Cup .
24 They also do an award-winning Steinlager from New Zealand , a type of lager already available in some off-licences and you may remember the logos from their sponsorship of the last Rugby Union World Cup .
25 He was already aware of the possibility of situations in which approval would not be the automatic outcome of such visits , and indeed the CNAA had already , as a result of institutional visits , imposed stern conditions to be met in some instances if approval was to be continued .
26 The qualifications necessary to enable a person to stand in a local electionaire more extensive in some instances and more restrictive in others than those which enable a person to vote .
27 Thus , the voiceless velar environment exhibits merger in some instances and flip-flops in others ; no doubt , it would be possible to observe other varying patterns of approximation ( as for the meat/mate ‘ merger ’ , below ) .
28 People embraced and wept , promising to stay in touch , only to realise in some cases that they had no addresses to exchange .
29 It we further remark the way sexual difference is oft en presented within psychoanalysis as unavoidable and ineluctably fraught with pain , so much so in some cases that it warrants description as a tragic ontology , it becomes tempting to dismiss it as an expression of existential Angst suitably dressed in pretentious intellectual rigour and elegant abstraction , and , as such ( some might add ) , the epitome of psychoanalysis itself .
30 In some cases that smiling face belongs to the wife of the managing director !
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