Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Later in a speech at an official dinner in Greenwich honouring the Russian leader , Mr Major added : ‘ The end of the Cold War means the end of confrontation . ’
2 Only in Forres had the family known the universal sorrow of war in the death of Kenneth , but then in 1919 , coincidental with the Versailles Peace Conference , Jean Hay Keith surprised her husband with twin boys , Jamie and Kenneth .
3 The Assumption in Moscow became the new prototype and was copied again and again all over Russia for many years as the orthodox pattern for such great churches .
4 Only seven of the fifteen large bookstores in Moscow took the trouble to send anything out to provincial peasant reading-centres .
5 Just as the civic buildings in Moscow expressed the confident power of the Communist regime , so the new housing blocks were designed to conform to the new ideals of social life .
6 German embassy officials in Moscow said the unframed pictures , contained in a battered brown portfolio , had been handed back to the embassy by a former Red Army officer who insisted on remaining anonymous .
7 A spokesman in Moscow said the Russian craft suffered minimal damage and no radiation leaked after the accident on Saturday .
8 He at least , unlike his superiors in ideology in Moscow had the courage to revise his stereotyped class views in a second book he published in 1924 .
9 A spokesman for Drake Training says that there is a possibility that it may establish an office in Moscow to put the training of Russian NetWare engineers on a more regular footing .
10 In 1652 Alexis was persuaded to establish a new ‘ foreign suburb ’ in Moscow to replace the one destroyed during the Time of Troubles .
11 After the successful tour of Japan and the trip on the Trans Siberian Express across Russia , stopping off in Moscow to see the May Day Parade , Bowie travelled overland to Paris and met up with Angie .
12 I left the University fired with enthusiasm to go to live in Moscow to practise the language .
13 April : April 1 : Bessmertnykh discussed in Beijing measures to resolve Soviet-Chinese border disputes , and the reduction of troops on both sides of the border ; April 4 : Polish Prime Minister Jan Krzysztof Bielecki held talks with Gorbachev in Moscow on the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Poland , the internal situation in both countries , and prospects for co-operation ; April 4 : Romanian President Iliescu arrived in Moscow to sign the Soviet-Romanian Treaty ; April 8-9 : Bessmertnykh , visiting Belgrade , supported the preservation of Yugoslavia 's territorial integrity ; April 8 : Viktor Komplektov named as new Soviet ambassador to the USA ; April 9-10 : Bessmertnykh had talks in Athens with Greek President Karamanlis and Foreign Minister Antonis Samaras and signed a treaty of friendship and co-operation ; April 16-19 : President Gorbachev visited Japan , the first visit by a Soviet leader , and had a number of ( inconclusive ) discussions with Japanese officials about the fate of the disputed Kurile Islands — the main obstacle to a significant increase in the amount of Japanese aid and credits to the USSR ; April 17 : as part of a $3,000 million aid package agreed earlier in the year , the South Korean Export-Import bank signed an agreement giving the Soviet Union $800 million worth of credits to purchase South Korean raw materials and consumer goods .
14 Afghan neutrality was openly discounted in Moscow following the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan at the end of 1979 .
15 The change provoked an extended strike on the part of the largely Russian speaking blue-collar labour force , and the Supreme Soviet Presidium in Moscow declared the legislation unconstitutional on the grounds that it violated the principle of equal electoral rights ( some 80,000 , it was estimated , would be deprived of the franchise under the new regulations ) .
16 On March 20 Soviet Prime Minister Nikolai Ryzhkov issued a statement affirming that all economic facilities currently subordinate to central bodies in Moscow remained the property of the USSR .
17 In 1988 , Andrei Kataev and two other physicists at the Institute of Nuclear Research in Moscow published the first calculation for routes which involve three gluons ( Physics Letters B , vol 212 , p 238 ) .
18 It was then that the feeling of utter boredom would assail him and he would be driven to join the crowd for the buses and the queue for a seat in the pictures in Hereford to pass the Saturday afternoon away .
19 On Oct. 27 , Popular Front leaders in Nakhichevan accused the local authorities of conducting a propaganda war against Azerbaijan , and demanded new , democratic elections .
20 Sir Hector was in Lerwick to open the refurbished and extended fishmarket .
21 However as the number of jobs in Vickers decreased the area underwent serious urban decay .
22 A parliamentary commission of investigation was set up in Brandenburg to examine the past links between Minister President Manfred Stolpe ( SPD ) and the Stasi ( state security police ) , after Stolpe had admitted in the press to having had numerous clandestine contacts with the Stasi under the pre-unification communist regime .
23 Only in Brandenburg did the SPD become the largest party .
24 For it was the Spirit who called Philip from his successful mission in Samaria to reach the Ethiopian eunuch with the gospel ( 8:29 and probably 26 ) , and led him on his further preaching tour as far as the very Hellenised city of Caesarea .
25 Police in Portree say the bodies were discovered earlier this afternoon following a search of the Trotternish ridge by an RAF helicopter .
26 Researchers in Sheffield analysed the contents of several popular brands and found that giving a baby the recommended dose of eight 5ml spoons a day is equivalent to an adult drinking five tots of whisky !
27 It lay over there with the gold helm made in Germany to replace the helm of Canute 's that had blown in pearls to the wind , beading the ashes of his forebears ' great hall at Orphir .
28 And while I 'm on my way all our operatives in Germany hit the streets — with copies of Tweed 's photo , and Grey 's .
29 Brynulf Ottar told him the organization , known as XU , involved a secret network based in Oslo , a courier line to Stockholm , and Swedes , Germans and Norwegians in Germany to provide the information from source .
30 Even in villages , I known men who 've worked abroad fitting them up in in er Germany and in France and in Italy , one of whom went to night school in Germany to learn the language t to get on better , he was there to receive machines .
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