Example sentences of "in [noun prp] and i " in BNC.

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1 I told her I 'd be in the Maple Leaf in Covent Garden until about nine , then down in Fulham and I gave her the address of the party and told her to ask for Louise .
2 I got to know it pretty well when I was living in Sheffield and I 'd recommend anyone to take a walking holiday there .
3 And er we were quite fortunate in this cos I went , had to go to a meeting in Sheffield and I had n't realized in advance but at this meeting the people at the meeting were asked to give recommendations as to what priorities should be given in terms of awarding the bids .
4 It does not exist in Germany and I was curious as to how far into Central Europe the corso penetrated .
5 ‘ Unemployment is higher in Scotland than in Germany and I think it 's a lot worse here than in the rest of Britain . ’
6 And then I got on a G P scheme in Crawley in Sussex and I spent three years there .
7 When we played at his club in Westwood and I beat him comfortably , he discussed the result with his friends in such a way that it was clear that he had deliberately thrown the match in order to contribute to our personal relationship .
8 J. Chapman , Sledmere Drive , Acklam , Middlesbrough : I was a final year pharmacy student in Sunderland and I was setting up apparatus for a chemistry experiment , when another student came in with the sad news that the King had died .
9 TIMOTHY and I had a wonderful time in Lourdes and I feel so much comfort from it .
10 Secondly I think the sad thing is is that at one time the idea of the foyer bar was the fact that er mother 's and children go in for a coffee facility or tea facility now I 'm I 'm one of one of the problems about criticism is is perhaps they do n't know all the facts and one of the facts which I think astounded me was the actual local police stopped that and said that that was n't permissible for if you were selling alcohol then it did n't it was n't right that that children under age and young children were allowed in the same area and that was that was changed then we got a new a new police superintendent and he said it was permissible and then we got another super he went they do n't stay very long in Harlow and we got somebody else came along and he said no that is n't permissible so we got very schizophrenic about what you could do with the foyer bar one minute you could have and the idea of about telling people and there young mothers going shopping come here for coffee , cakes for the children etc stop that we 've now got a new superintendent in Harlow and I think with applied going back to him and saying well please advice us can we or ca n't we ?
11 Chairman I have n't got a question my name is Harold er I come from Bishop 's Stortford , er I work in Harlow and I do n't think that you should necessarily forget that some of the people are not residents in Harlow do in fact work in Harlow .
12 But yes I 'm sure you can be a missionary in Harlow and I 'd like to think that maybe I could erm increase that work and maybe have an afternoon a week where I could talk to people about God , but I think there 's not really time in a ten minute surgery slot .
13 Yeah he was taken to the army from the Grammar School in Holyhead and I did want a car when he came home .
14 Mr Jones added : ‘ These plans have been roundly condemned in Holyhead and I 've urged the agency to think again . ’
15 I was no longer in Brazil , they said , I was in Bolivia and I would have to show some respect .
16 ‘ I got much more out of the car than I did in Kyalami and I did not make any mistakes .
17 And I think we it was poin pointed out that we 've got enough to do er sorting out the local government situation in Northumberland and I do n't disturb the other other industries as it were .
18 It was a bright clear spring morning when the boat docked in Rosslare and I disembarked in Eire .
19 Actually the last time I was stood up on a platform and did this was in front of erm a S G T congress in Dieppe and I tell you I had to do it in French , and it was much more difficult so I 'm hoping this one will go smoothly , but I , what I 'd really like to do is begin with is offer you erm delegates and platform both , a very very warm welcome from the trade union movement in Portsmouth .
20 I er , I sar I said to I was talking to this bloke in Rackhams and I , I said do you still have your late night on a Thursday ?
21 ‘ When I opened in Vegas and I sang ‘ Goldfinger ’ , they all said , ‘ Why is this black girl singing a white girl 's song ? ’
22 It was a warm , sunny june day in Fontanellato and I was riding out into the country on my bicycle when another cyclist gave me the news .
23 " She 'd gone to see her parents in Hilderbridge and I was with mine in Jackley . "
24 ‘ No , I was brought up in Berkhamsted and I spent a couple of years living in Oxfordshire not so long ago , so I 'm not completely inflexible about this .
25 ‘ I remember I was in Brussels and I lost to Ivan Lendl .
26 I shall nevertheless vote against the motion and I shall vote for the amendment although as much as I wished it had happened or , or erm a different proposal to Mr because I do n't think it helps your argument when you call your opponents instead of arguing face and er unlike Mr I actually do believe its in subsidiarity and I think we should accept Leicester and Leicester only and what the Leicester hunt will do should be decided here in Leicester , not in Westminster , er any more than the composition of our offices should be , should be decided in Brussels and I believe in subsidiarity .
27 I think the inde independent corroboration for actuaries was another important factor , custody confirmation by the auditors , veto of transfer of assets , independent auditors for pension funds , independent custodian arrangements , in-house investment management , you made some comments , co-ordination or the various regulators , co-ordination of the professional advisors , establishment of a pension tribunal , you know , now as far as I was concerned or on my sort of looking through it , those were all recommendations that , that you 've made over your two years and I could n't really find any response to those in Good and I think that 's a you know we , we personally found that disappointing .
28 ‘ I 've just heard that Harry Pollitt is addressing a meeting in Parkhead and I wondered if you 'd fancy coming with me ? ’
29 But I went to a pipe bag championships in Beeston and I myself completely .
30 But there are so many different styles in Texas and I think that 's what I liked about growing up there ; you could just hear so much stuff . ’
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