Example sentences of "in [noun prp] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Internal matters in Zanzibar are in the exclusive jurisdiction of the Zanzibar executive , the Revolutionary Council of Zanzibar .
2 Finally , in 1988 in Action for Cities , it was announced that the Lower Don Valley in Sheffield was to be a UDC , covering about 2,000 hectares with a seven-year budget of £50 million .
3 Far too many of them lost all contact with the education system after the age of 16 and far larger numbers in England than in Germany were in dead-end jobs without any training at all . ’
4 THE murder of two Turkish women and three Turkish girls in Solingen , a steel town near Cologne , has turned to ashes the assurances Chancellor Helmut Kohl gave in Ankara last month that violent racism in Germany was on the wane .
5 Agriculture in Germany was in many ways a mixture of old and new .
6 Sotheby 's are closing their Chester and Glasgow branches , and their Billingshurst rooms in Sussex are under a progressive closure threat .
7 of all grey geese identified in Sussex are of this species .
8 A CAFE in Middlesbrough is on a collision course with the borough council over its opening hours .
9 The analogizing of knowing to seeing may pervade the concrete experience of coming to know , in the mystic 's vision flooded with light ; or it may be explicit in parable , as in Plato 's of mankind misled by illusory appearance as prisoners in a cave who see only the shadows on the wall .
10 EUROPE 'S richest indoor women 's tennis tournament in Brighton is in danger of collapsing after Midland Bank yesterday withdrew their sponsorship .
11 EUROPE 'S richest indoor women 's tennis tournament in Brighton is in danger of collapsing after Midland Bank yesterday withdrew their sponsorship .
12 The best account of Emerson 's last year in FI is in Keke 's memoir of his two years with Fittipaldi .
13 They were in Hennessey 's in the Strand and tucked into a corner .
14 Advice to visitors issued in March was to be vigilant at all times , avoid Dairut and Assiut where the most serious attacks have occurred unless carrying out essential business , and dress and behave discreetly .
15 ‘ With nearly two million television viewers a week becoming hooked on the World Scrabble Championships last autumn , interest in Scrabble is at its highest point ever , ’ said Ray Perry , of Scrabble 's makers Spear 's Games .
16 In Young 's time most of the cattle in Norfolk were in fact Scottish by origin , brought from their native regions to fatten in East Anglia , but the Norfolk Red was an old local middle-horned breed not unlike the Devon in colour and horn growth , and described as ‘ as loose and ill-made as bad Suffolks ’ .
17 While Samuel Beckett first made his acquaintance with Guinness in Mooney 's of Abbey Street during his Trinity days .
18 Workers in Northumberland are among the poorest paid and twice as likely to earn less than the average for workers throughout the European Community according to a survey by the Northern Region Low Pay Unit .
19 The study of ( ht ) in Havelok is of course relevant to the date at which the velar fricative [ x ] before [ t ] ( in right , might , etc. ) was lost in English .
20 My first Chinese contact in Vancouver was with Seto More , who held a senior position with the CPR 's Asiatic passenger service .
21 However , only about twenty per cent of residential homes in Flanders are of this type ( Hellinckx and Munter , 1990 ) .
22 Varnhem Abbey Church in Västergötland was of the Cistercian Order .
23 The best reference to an Emigration Society in Ayrshire is in the book , The Annals of Fenwick , by Tom D. Taylor , which was created from a diary kept by a Fenwick weaver .
24 Most of the farmhouse cheese was sold direct to shops in nearby towns and villages but , as production increased , great quantities were sold at special cheese fairs , the busiest in Ayrshire being at Kilmarnock .
25 The hammers in Stein 's vis-à-vis piano action point away from the player .
26 Health officers in Macclesfield are to be empowered to go into houses and switch off noisy burglar alarms .
27 LONG-STAY hospital patients in Ayr are to be given the opportunity of moving into small staffed community homes thanks to £2.6 million of bridging finance from the National Health Service .
28 Another summer show in Saltburn is under way too , not necessarily a Shakespeare play but ‘ another popular outdoor piece ’ as Ramsay puts it .
29 Morrissey 's Bar in Abbeyleix is like most Irish pubs used to be .
30 Housmans considers that building a property in Portugal is in many cases cheaper than buying one .
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