Example sentences of "in [noun pl] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The building is large , brown , a series of Romanesque arches in tiers that span Astor Place and Cooper Square .
2 Visitors used to flock to it in omnibuses and examine it with the careful scrutiny of sightseers . ’
3 The rider for the evening ( the biggest ever we can faithfully report ) disappeared in minutes and took its toll on certain partygoers .
4 The Water Saver ECO-NO-MISER Cistern Dam is fitted in minutes and gives instant savings .
5 Once mastered , however , it can be completed in minutes and ensure that you are reading at your optimum level .
6 This is certainly a difficult poem for any translator to attempt — but then there is no Horatian lyric that could be called " easy " ; there are besetting problems , concerning metre and form , concerning word order , concerning a lexicon in which patent meanings are shadowed by possibilities of other meanings , concerning the importance of allusion , and above all the Horatian craft that mingles these elements interdependently , in patterns that persist or shift from strophe to strophe .
7 They tend to be alkaline , with free carbonate and calcium , potassium , sodium , magnesium and other ions distributed in patterns that vary with age and the amount of leaching .
8 Tree stumps to jump from , logs to climb over and smaller logs to arrange in patterns and roll about , give experiences of height , weight , and shape .
9 In order to look at the effect that financial devolution , in the form of LMS , is likely to have , both on schools and on the quality of education , it may be helpful to look closely at what has happened in institutions that have already experienced various levels of financial autonomy .
10 First , it is evident that rates are much higher in institutions as compared with community .
11 It is staffed by a dozen officers working in shifts but supposed eventually to have three times as many .
12 The Tollemarche ladies , in bonnets and cartwheel hats , gave teas at which they coyly sipped at China tea flavoured with lemon and mint .
13 Many birds nest and sleep in hedges and eat insect pests .
14 A few years later he wrote Peter Pan for those who believed in fairies but did not want to believe in death .
15 After this , he resigned himself more or less to an athletics-oriented existence , taking up the offer of a job in a sports equipment shop , where he would be granted ample time off to compete in meetings and train regularly .
16 Which leads a jaded old hack like me to ponder on the disparity in attendees that has crept up on Conference over the years .
17 More cavalry came by and then his three principal generals , in chains and dressed like the Negus , but each carrying on his shoulder a large stone as a mark of servitude .
18 And I 've seen Harry Lloyd and er Houdini what they call him you know , where he used to be all strapped in chains and get out of tanks and that .
19 The prisoner , a woman who had refused to confess her adultery to the Inquisitor , was brought out in chains and bound to a post set in the ground .
20 Grants in respect of capital expenditure incurred after 31st March 1991 are included in creditors and released to the profit and loss account in equal instalments over the expected useful lives of the related assets .
21 In the main it causes few problems , but in recent years there has been a rise in cases that cause conflict for the advice worker .
22 ‘ Except in cases that require learning and skill ’ , says Baxter , ‘ she was better at resolving a case of conscience than most divines that I ever knew in all my life . ’
23 Our review of clinical features , however , found no increased incidence of pouchitis in cases that had had emergency colectomy or postoperative sepsis ( Table VIII ) .
24 In any event , the courts now seem to take a softer line on police practice so far as this can be discerned from the undiscussed elements in cases that reach the law reports for other reasons .
25 Mains powered projects should always be housed in cases that have a screw fitting lid .
26 In cases that do not have a clear Rhus tox .
27 The distributions of the ACE genotypes ( Table 1 ) in cases and controls in the different populations were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium , except in the control group of Toulouse where , for unknown reasons , an excess of heterozygotes was observed .
28 While agreeing broadly with the England manager 's summing-up of the present Brazilian team , the thought did occur that in another footballing era he could have been describing an Italian side — brilliant in breakaways but giving nothing away at the back .
29 Now the reductions in personnel and operating resources are beginning to take their toll on the fifty-year Master Plan to modernise the nineteenth-century Beaux-Arts landmark .
30 At present two fifths of the Warwick University Bookshop group 's turnover was in books , the rest in products that persuade the students to spend their money .
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