Example sentences of "in [noun pl] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The building is large , brown , a series of Romanesque arches in tiers that span Astor Place and Cooper Square .
2 Visitors used to flock to it in omnibuses and examine it with the careful scrutiny of sightseers . ’
3 Once mastered , however , it can be completed in minutes and ensure that you are reading at your optimum level .
4 This is certainly a difficult poem for any translator to attempt — but then there is no Horatian lyric that could be called " easy " ; there are besetting problems , concerning metre and form , concerning word order , concerning a lexicon in which patent meanings are shadowed by possibilities of other meanings , concerning the importance of allusion , and above all the Horatian craft that mingles these elements interdependently , in patterns that persist or shift from strophe to strophe .
5 They tend to be alkaline , with free carbonate and calcium , potassium , sodium , magnesium and other ions distributed in patterns that vary with age and the amount of leaching .
6 Tree stumps to jump from , logs to climb over and smaller logs to arrange in patterns and roll about , give experiences of height , weight , and shape .
7 In order to look at the effect that financial devolution , in the form of LMS , is likely to have , both on schools and on the quality of education , it may be helpful to look closely at what has happened in institutions that have already experienced various levels of financial autonomy .
8 The Tollemarche ladies , in bonnets and cartwheel hats , gave teas at which they coyly sipped at China tea flavoured with lemon and mint .
9 Many birds nest and sleep in hedges and eat insect pests .
10 After this , he resigned himself more or less to an athletics-oriented existence , taking up the offer of a job in a sports equipment shop , where he would be granted ample time off to compete in meetings and train regularly .
11 And I 've seen Harry Lloyd and er Houdini what they call him you know , where he used to be all strapped in chains and get out of tanks and that .
12 In the main it causes few problems , but in recent years there has been a rise in cases that cause conflict for the advice worker .
13 ‘ Except in cases that require learning and skill ’ , says Baxter , ‘ she was better at resolving a case of conscience than most divines that I ever knew in all my life . ’
14 In any event , the courts now seem to take a softer line on police practice so far as this can be discerned from the undiscussed elements in cases that reach the law reports for other reasons .
15 Mains powered projects should always be housed in cases that have a screw fitting lid .
16 In cases that do not have a clear Rhus tox .
17 At present two fifths of the Warwick University Bookshop group 's turnover was in books , the rest in products that persuade the students to spend their money .
18 This makes sense when you consider the stored bank of CFCs in products that have not yet been released in the atmosphere .
19 We will enable the courts to override unfair terms in contracts and improve our powers to deal with rogue traders .
20 A larger proportion of middle-period Byrd has seen the light of day the songs always excepted but never in recitals that attempt to plot stylistic progress .
21 Knives and sharp instruments are the most common weapons used in homicides and account for one third of all homicides .
22 Those who delight in complexities and wish to pursue the matter further will find a number of adequate textbooks and sources of information which will be pointed out with fiendish delight by any qualified librarian , since he has had to run the whole gamut in preparing for his examinations .
23 We have traditional defences on , for example , diminished responsibility which allow murder to be reduced to manslaughter , or defences introduced in Acts that have been passed in the last couple of years .
24 Other chemicals which pose a threat to stratospheric ozone but whose emissions are smaller include the halon gases ( variously containing bromine , chlorine and fluorine ) which are used mainly in fire-extinguishers and have an even greater ozone depletion potential ( table 6.1 ) ; methyl chloroform , which is used as a solvent and cleaning fluid ; and carbon tetrachloride , used as a dry-cleaner and to fumigate grain in Eastern Europe ( figure 6.3 ) .
25 Some poor people live in houses that have become valuable through changes in the local property market .
26 ‘ Psychologists , dieticians and physios should have their place in clubs that spend millions of pounds on their players . ’
27 The tree produces its nuts in groups that fit neatly together like the segments of an orange and are packaged in a box .
28 It will rely on 1,500 consultants in 30 countries in groups that include Management Consulting for Business Transformation and Information Technology Strategy & Planning ; Functional Consulting for Application Development ; an Industrial Sector ; and Technology Consulting , IBM noted .
29 Chimpanzees often feed in groups and come together with loud demonstrations in the feeding trees .
30 Simply getting depressed clients to work in groups and focus on their problems in living has been found not to effect significant changes in level of depression ( Nezu , 1986 ) .
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