Example sentences of "in [art] way the " in BNC.

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1 If the tradition still exists today — and it appears that it very much does so — it implies that the United Kingdom does not have for many loyalists a natural character of statehood in the way the Southern state has for catholic nationalists .
2 ‘ The main differences between the two styles of cuisine is in the way the Chinese blend ingredients , how they introduce colour into the food , and that up to 90% of the work is done prior to cooking . ’
3 In a game similar to that devised for the radio show Desert Island Discs , we listed those who would get one bullet from a six-gun , and placed them in order of preference , much in the way the FBI listed the top wanted men in the USA .
4 Something vulnerable in her manner brings out an element of sadism in the way the long final act teases her endurance ; but it also makes the denouement extremely touching , and the part lies well for a voice that has managed Janacek 's Capture as well as Verdi 's Violetta .
5 And this shifting between the past and almost- present is equally felt in the choreography — it contains some of the cleanest , most authoritative classical dance Page has produced while simultaneously suggesting modern bodies and modern mores in the way the dancers loll negligently on the floor or challenge each other 's strength .
6 The one flaw is Page 's abiding fondness for clever-clever partner work — his determination to find new means of supporting bodies , new ingenuities in the way the dancers intersect .
7 Unveiling details of the £1.7m deal , Ed WAllis , PowerGen 's chief executive , candidly said he would expect some say in the way the weather was presented .
8 He was appalled by the lack of imagination and innovation in the way the furniture was displayed .
9 For example , when troubles blew up at the Heath Town Estate in the Midlands they were immediately compared with Broadwater Farm and the place labelled a ghetto in the way the media treated the incident .
10 The report lists ‘ many faults ’ inherent in the way the railway had been run for several years .
11 Ford of America stressed yesterday that there would be no ‘ significant ’ changes in the way the company was run after announcing that Mr Donald Petersen , chairman for the past decade , is to retire .
12 The deals are in fact important in the way the game is to be projected in the future in this country .
13 The deals are in fact important in the way the game is to be projected in the future in this country .
14 You can hear it in the jazz metal fills in ‘ Glam Slam ’ and ‘ U Got the Look ’ , in the way the West Coast power pop of ‘ I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man ’ subsides brilliantly into a brooding meander of acid guitar , in the raga anthem ‘ The Cross , …
15 To do that in the way the Greens proposed would require a ‘ virtually totalitarian state ’ , Bryan Gould ( at the time Shadow Trade Secretary ) told the shadow cabinet in July 1989 .
16 That is not just because inflation is raging less fiercely than it was in the early 1980s , but also because of improvements in the way the labour market works .
17 Both Mrs Hogg and Mr Robinson are seriously interested in the way the cake is cut , not just in how fast it can expand .
18 There is something medieval in the way the Spaniard can reconcile earthy realism and practical common sense with soaring fantasy and spiritual exaltation .
19 To confront the anger of God in the way the ancient Israelites dared to do , to face it as directed against ourselves and the society of which we are so much a part , is to escape the romantic pretence , the unrelieved jollity , or the easy , unthinking speech of so much that passes for Christian belief and worship .
20 The movie is ambitious in its mix of fantasy and realism , and there 's a sustained central performance from Iain Glen , but the big problem is that the subject himself is not fascinating in the way the Krays were .
21 Whyte even gave tips on how to answer the questions correctly — that is , in the way the corporation would like you to : ‘ Repeat to yourself — I like things pretty well the way they are .
22 A currency hoard is a sum of money put together by drawing all its coins from circulation on a single occasion , whereas a savings hoard is formed by gradually adding coins to a hoard over a period of several years ; the difference in the way the coins were collected will affect the internal composition of the hoard .
23 The Government concedes that subsidies for loss-making services must be maintained , but support for a radical change in the way the railways are run and financed has come from several large private companies , including Richard Branson 's Virgin Group , which is drawing up plans to run trains on key InterCity routes .
24 He did n't know how — perhaps a different feel to the tiller or in the way the bows felt at the sea .
25 Not only does one wonder what embarrassment might have occurred to warrant it but the propriety in not claiming the Ladies ' door and leading to a lavatory in the way the men 's clearly does , is a reminder of the delicacy of those times .
26 Thomas Edwards suggested that the fault lay in the way the book was assembled .
27 Perhaps the least interesting is the possibility that the change of context modifies the way in which the CS is perceived , either because of some change in the physical nature of the signal ( the properties of an auditory cue , for instance , are likely to change according to the shape of the space in which it is presented ) or because there is some change in the way the cue impinges on the animal ( if different contexts promote different patterns of orienting behaviour , the same cue , defined physically , may be experienced differently in the contexts ) .
28 As reported in the press , an internal inquiry in 1989 into one police force recommended a radical rehaul in the way the force dealt with local crime .
29 Another important feature lay in the way the experiment had been done .
30 It does this not only in its narrative preoccupations ( active male protagonist , with woman as victim or sexual object ) but also — and crucially — in its conventions , in the way the camera moves and produces the image on the screen .
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