Example sentences of "in [noun sg] they [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Okay , they 're poor paid , but at least they would have the pride of saying that they 've got a job whereas the elderly are having to just sit at home and turning down their fires and turning down their central heating in case they ca n't afford their bills !
2 The way ‘ civilisations ’ had to make their mark , just in case they might disappear without trace .
3 Well , we were n't having that , so we stood around , we said ‘ Well , we thought we 'd just wait around a little bit , you know , just in case they might want to say goodbye to us . ’
4 Erm b but there was no reason why we should sit in wait in case they might go up because they might have gone down further .
5 when you ask someone out , I 'm scared in case they might say no
6 If they want their own snappy one they would , you 're quite right , it 's not necessarily handing them the bad one on a plate just in case they might use it .
7 Clients also worry about discussing their troubles in case they may not be allowed treatment .
8 bodies you see in case they would lift them .
9 erm , he would n't leave in case they would n't let him back in after modernizing .
10 Old people in particular often ensure each night before they go to bed that their house is tidy and their last instructions are by their bed in case they should die in the night and someone will have to find them in the morning .
11 Baroness Hollis said : ‘ The government chief inspector has to warn local authorities not to tell the disabled and the frail what they are entitled to in case they should happen to ask for it , which would take the counties through their capping limit . ’
12 Certain people , perhaps because they were friendly with one doctor but held a higher opinion of the professional ability of the other , took to carrying cards in their pockets which gave the relevant instructions in case they should find themselves too far gone to claim the doctor they wanted .
13 They began following its twisting route , keeping close to the cover of the trees in case they should meet with any oncoming sect vehicle going to relieve or check up on their outside patrol .
14 I asked , stepping sideways to avoid a brace of female traffic wardens and smiling my best smile as a talisman in case they should visit Golden Square .
15 They did n't tell her that they wanted to see whether it was still empty , just in case they could have it for Brownie Pack Meetings .
16 Their daughter had provided all the labour-saving devices : dishwasher , washing machine , spin-dryer , all housed in a disused still room near the back door , although until she came the Copleys had been reluctant to use them in case they could n't turn them off , visualizing the machines whirling away all night , overheating , blowing up , the whole rectory pulsating with an uncontrollable power .
17 In addition , he used any contacts he had in the services , or the Government , in case they could be of help .
18 Some golfers are afraid to transfer the weight in case they can not get back to the ball at impact .
19 Inasmuch as any of our wishes can be granted by decisions taken in Parliament they must inevitably have " something to do with party " , since practically all MPs will always belong to parties ; even the rare free vote requires the consent of the party in power .
20 In addition they may be proud that their bureau should supply quality training and experience that enables the worker to enter mainstream employment .
21 In addition they will receive a personal letter of thanks and congratulations from the chairman of the RAC , Jeffrey Rose , and 60-year members will be given honorary membership of the company 's top-range UK service reflex .
22 In addition they will spend £2million on billboard , newspaper and magazine ads .
23 In addition they will be expected to encourage the young participants , aged 17 to 25 , to create a record of their own experiences through a series of workshops .
24 In addition they could have gained a seat in Belfast West if Republican Clubs supporters had transferred to SDLP in that constituency as well .
25 In addition they must always be muzzled and leashed when taken out in public and owners , who must have third party insurance , have to take adequate precautions to stop dogs escaping .
26 In addition they must pay heavy rates for the major drainage schemes .
27 In addition they must also accept that they have within them emotions and feelings which , properly nurtured and utilised can provide , not only compensation for the surrender of unlimited sensual pleasure , but also a road to unlimited human happiness , a road which would be blocked if the choice were the first proposition .
28 In addition they must also accept that they have within them emotions and feelings which , properly nurtured and utilised can provide , not only compensation for the surrender of unlimited sensual pleasure , but also a road to unlimited human happiness , a road which would be blocked if the choice were the first proposition .
29 Graff 's proposals for a structured pluralism are admirable in theory , but in practice they would , I fear , merely increase the demoralization of students and teachers .
30 We have to trust the districts can trust the county the county can trust the districts and that in practice they would make this work at local plan level .
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