Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Champagne the Pinot Noir is the variety least affected by powdery mildew .
2 A vineyard needs at least 400–500 millimetres of water per year : in Champagne the vines receive an annual average of 662 millimetres of rain over 176 days .
3 We had embarked two such affairs in the last year ; the most memorable being an English lawyer who had arrived with his French mistress , but only after telling his wife that he was attending a legal conference in Brussels and , to preserve the lie , he had been forced to hide every inch of his pallid skin in case a sun-tan betrayed him .
4 At the Republican Convention last month George Bush expressed his concern about the whole question of liability in the US , and particularly about the amount of money trial lawyers make from suits that lead to doctors refusing to practise certain areas of medicine , and even to parents refusing to umpire childrens ' baseball games in case a child is injured and they are sued .
5 It is wise for your horse to wear protective boots and an overgirth , just in case a girth strap breaks .
6 ‘ We have taken out insurance in case a coach comes along and runs over Mary Magdalene , ’ he says .
7 Though participants have said that they find these quizzes enjoyable , they have not been well supported by comparison with the more usual lectures and no further quiz is planned for the moment , though I shall try to keep a few questions in hand in case a speaker is delayed or fails to arrive for some reason .
8 The packet of Durex , bought in a chemist 's at Ipswich to meet an eventuality that Rosie had never allowed to materialize , lived permanently in his wallet ; he put them in a brown envelope in case a chance sighting made his intentions too crudely obvious .
9 Kung fu always has a back-up movement in readiness in case a technique fails .
10 Capitol police bolted and locked all the windows , in case a prowler was coming in after everyone had left : no luck .
11 A quick release buckle on the hipbelt is essential in case a pack needs to be thrown off in an emergency .
12 These investigations involve haematological tests , ECGs , chest X-rays and blood grouping and cross-matching in case a transfusion should be required .
13 At this point all three friends felt an unruly wave of amusement sweeping over them , and the rest of the fire-drill was spent desperately avoiding each other 's eyes in case a fit of the giggles should descend , and they were all agreed ( especially Mildred ) that this would definitely not be the thing to do .
14 Always close the doors at one end before opening them at the other , unless the wind is very light , and never leave both ends open in case a wind springs up later in the day .
15 A phobia about birds , for example , may not sound so terrible — after all you do n't have to keep chickens or buy a budgie — but when you are terrified to leave your house ( or even go into your own garden ) in case a sparrow or a robin comes too dose , your life can become a total misery .
16 Local physicians list in case a doctor is required .
17 I 'm not clear about the , the sentence in case a repeat costing 's copy of the quotation given to the client must be signed by an authorised researcher .
18 24.1 In case a dispute is brought before a court of law , the courts of the City of Ghent , Belgium shall have sole jurisdiction over this litigation .
19 Every week since last September when the chat show season began Mark and his band — Eugene Glenn , Brian Skeffington , Ciara Harrison and Hugh Faloona are the others — have waited in the wings in case a guest celebrity did n't turn up .
20 So much so that occasionally Rosemary would insist on cooking supper and bringing it over — always with enough for an extra helping in case a guest should turn up .
21 He would n't even sit down , in case a spider jumped out of an armchair .
22 Thus there could be no economies of scale in case a sleeve cut from one lay of medium blue had to go with a dress cut from another lay of so-called medium blue .
23 Elected for a six-year term by universal suffrage ( or by a 301-member electoral college in case no candidate obtains an absolute majority ) , the President appoints a Cabinet under a Prime Minister , which must enjoy the confidence of the 200-member parliament ( Eduskunta ) , elected for a four-year term .
24 Failing such information or evidence being furnished the Directors may give the person from whom the information or evidence required notice that , if the information or evidence in question is not furnished within such periods as may be determined by the Directors and stated in the notice , the Directors may refuse to register the transfer in question or ( in case no transfer is in question ) may require that a Transfer Notice be given in respect of the Shares concerned .
25 Failing the information or evidence being furnished within the period stated in the notice , the Directors shall be entitled to refuse to register the transfer in question or ( in case no transfer is in question ) to require that a Transfer Notice be given in respect of the Shares concerned .
26 Failing such information or evidence being furnished the Directors may give the person from whom the information or evidence required notice that , if the information or evidence in question is not furnished within such periods as may be determined by the Directors and stated in the notice , the Directors may refuse to register the transfer in question or ( in case no transfer is in question ) may require that a Transfer Notice be given in respect of the Shares concerned .
27 Failing the information or evidence being furnished within the period stated in the notice , the Directors shall be entitled to refuse to register the transfer in question or ( in case no transfer is in question ) to require that a Transfer Notice be given in respect of the Shares concerned .
28 The wharf walk had remained closed to the public in case the lab boys wanted a second bite at the cherry .
29 I 'm also loath to take off stitches instead in case the garment ends up too small .
30 Each meeting-point was timed with as much leeway as moon and tide might allow — say an hour on occasions , although many submarine captains took bold risks in staying offshore beyond the agreed times when no recovery had been made , just in case the canoeists were late .
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