Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 Although they were in vogue she could not abide them : ‘ What beats me is when an unsentimental artist like Modigliani says : ‘ Oui , très joli ’ about them .
2 They did n't tell her that they wanted to see whether it was still empty , just in case they could have it for Brownie Pack Meetings .
3 Their daughter had provided all the labour-saving devices : dishwasher , washing machine , spin-dryer , all housed in a disused still room near the back door , although until she came the Copleys had been reluctant to use them in case they could n't turn them off , visualizing the machines whirling away all night , overheating , blowing up , the whole rectory pulsating with an uncontrollable power .
4 In addition , he used any contacts he had in the services , or the Government , in case they could be of help .
5 But when Bernard 's plan backfired I needed you alive in case you could lead me to Graham .
6 We were worried in case you could n't get the band together . ’
7 And in case you could n't quite work out what Jim 's message was , the billboard says it all .
8 ‘ I had never met the man , but a friend had given him my number in case he could help me with my research , ’ says Lynsey .
9 Of course they would escape and of course they would outwit the Gruagach , thought Fenella , her mind tumbling with images , fighting to stay awake in case she could help Floy and Snodgrass .
10 She felt as if she 'd uncovered a dark pit of long-buried feelings , and she was terrified of peering too far inside in case she could n't cope with the contents …
11 For the same reason , civil servants above a certain level can not take an overt or active part in politics in case it could be said that their opinions influenced the minister .
12 I pinned it to the corkboard with a red drawing pin and a light heart , and went upstairs again to change back into jodhpur boots to deal with the terrain and to pick up the map and the compass in case I could n't find the trail .
13 I hung on , keeping one eye on Neil in case I could help him , and the other on Stormy Petrel .
14 in case I could n't do the job
15 He was a man who could be honest with himself , and in honesty he could say that he was both pleased and relieved to be back at his desk on a grey Monday morning in London .
16 In addition they could have gained a seat in Belfast West if Republican Clubs supporters had transferred to SDLP in that constituency as well .
17 In addition you could benefit from a messaging system which turns your mobile phone into an answerphone when not in use .
18 In addition you could ask the parents of the bride and groom about their marriages .
19 For example , in P1/T1–T4 we could retain only the rows marked with an asterisk in addition to the objective row , without any loss of information .
20 For families in less straitened circumstances , one gift in kind which could be of increasing importance is the payment of school fees .
21 Jim Keeble recalls one amusing incident in ASF which could have been a terrible accident .
22 Asked to name sources of credit out of the blue , people might well simply leave out or forget about some sources which in practice they could use , if they were offered that type of credit when they were buying .
23 This delineation of labourism is ideal-typical ; in practice it could exhibit contradictory tendencies .
24 If the team becomes too large then in practice it could well break down into sub-teams and not be as effective as intended .
25 It was what Nigel wanted in theory , but in practice he could n't bear the whole thing ending acrimoniously , especially with her getting the last word .
26 In practice he could not officiate everywhere in person and would be represented by a priest .
27 Lack of early information caused a reduction in momentum which could not be regained quickly enough once sales levels were known .
28 In daylight he could have used a shop window as a mirror to watch the pharmacist 's across the road but lit windows were no use and who stands staring into dark ones ?
29 In future we could extend their kind of insurance benefit to people who are divorced , separated or unmarried and looking after children .
30 As he departed Baldersdale he was heard to announce with some emphasis that if his superiors were so anxious to catch the phantom poachers of Baldersdale , in future they could ( expletive deleted ) well do it themselves .
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