Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [noun] not " in BNC.

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1 In case relatives not present wish to view the body , great care should be taken not to cause them distress or offence .
2 Any further weakening of sterling , any further cut in base rates not sanctioned and sanitised by a cut in German interest rates , and any move to raise VAT in the Budget would all make higher inflation more likely .
3 I could n't face going back to that flat in West Kensington not knowing what to do with my life and having to be pleasant , and not being respected by anyone .
4 If there was one ( albeit very small ) consolation about the sale of Dave Batty , it was that it finally did away with an important inferiority complex of mine — was I the only person in West Yorkshire not to be best mates with the man ? ?
5 The ‘ Entebbe Maths ’ in the ‘ sixties and for the ‘ sixties was a success story and one which laid the foundation for interest and expertise in curriculum development not only in Mathematics but in other subjects as well .
6 By September , the school would be in the awkward position of being the only selective school in Essex not to be GM and it would be one of very few secondary schools generally in north-east Essex not to have opted out , she said .
7 Compositors with a wage increase of 40 per cent did less well , while typefounders , oppressed by a tightly knit group of employers , were unable to secure a money increase and stayed for seventy years on 18s ( 90p ) a week , experiencing an evident decline in living standards not only in 1795 and 1800 – 1 , but over the last ten years of the wars .
8 Effective ministry in frontier situations not only requires dedicated skills and energies but it requires us to learn how best to wrestle with the principalities and powers .
9 He points out that the best people , like Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin , started singing in gospel choirs not at music lessons .
10 The shift in exchange rates not only opened lively red meat and grain markets in Italy , Spain and France .
11 The privilege from self-incrimination is abrogated in bankruptcy proceedings not by the opening words of section 31 of the Theft Act 1968 , but by rule 6.175 of the Insolvency Rules 1986 made pursuant to section 412 of the Act of 1986 :
12 The number of modules with no destination volume includes all modules in charge codes not specified for hard copying , any 0.0Z package modules for which no later issues exist and any modules filtered from hard copying .
13 In control subjects not taking NSAIDs synthesis of TXB 2 was not influenced by Helicobacter pylori ( 42.2 ( 13.5–61.5 ) pg/mg v 30.9 ( 6.9–45.6 ) pg/mg respectively ) .
14 IN A LONG apologia for having had the temerity to undertake a psycho-biography of Mrs Thatcher , Leo Abse denies that his book is a personal attack on her , but agrees that it may have some admonitory function in warning people not to acquiesce too readily in the disposition of someone who would appear , on his argument , to be gravely unbalanced .
15 That 's the Stamford Bridge in East Yorkshire not the one which gives David Mellor a stork on at the mere mention of the place .
16 One would have thought that the principle of people living in glass houses not throwing stones would have warned Ivan off a career as a journalist , gossip , and so-called satirist , but it did not seem to occur to him that he was asking for trouble of a kind that she knew would cause him the most intimate anguish : but in fact , so appalling were Ivan 's features and physique that comment on them was rare , even his worst enemies ( and he had hundreds ) not considering them fair game .
17 ‘ Vehicle ’ was discussed in Boxer v Snelling [ 1972 ] RTR 472 where it was said that in borderline cases not only the construction or nature of the contrivance but also the circumstances of its use should be taken into account .
18 The entire family had settled in a group of large homes in North Toronto not far from each other .
19 So the newly established Energy Efficiency Office will have an important contribution to make in ‘ selling ’ energy efficiency particularly should rapid rises in energy prices not provide the prime incentive to economise .
20 Our continued investment in production facilities not only ensures a top quality product but sets the standard for state of the art operations .
21 Those of us who live in south-east London not three miles from King 's Cross know that if we were taking our children to meet a continental train , or if we were taking elderly parents or grandparents to meet the train , we would not take them to King 's Cross , because we could not park there or get them near the platforms .
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