Example sentences of "tuned in [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's just that there are some things the mind-set is not adjusted to and I was tuned in for bracing winds , long place names and snatches of Tom Jones .
2 He recalls that when other boys of David 's age listened to Radio Luxemburg , David was tuned in to American football on the American Forces Network , and was fascinated not only by American music , but by the whole culture of America .
3 So it is possible that avian death-feigning is tuned in to this one crucial moment of possible escape .
4 Is it tuned in to your every mood ?
5 And their flagship , Somerwest World at Minehead , is certainly tuned in to the tastes of 1992 .
6 Millions have tuned in to the tapes to spice up their sex lives .
7 Clint Black : tuned in to the repeats
8 Fortunately , I love to drive , although there seems little point in having the capacity to reach high speeds when you are bumper to bumper , even less point in having a CD player with quadraphonic sound when you are permanently tuned in to the traffic reports !
9 As a result , Computerwoche reports , the Dusseldorf-based company intends to spend less time and money on attending big computer shows , and in future will spend its cash on sponsoring staff and holding symposia that are more tuned in to customer needs .
10 ‘ I 've been tuned in to the local station , ’ he said shortly .
11 Four minutes to stand before 7,000 of her peers , to say nothing of the thousands of invalids , shift-workers and bored housewives who might well be tuned in to BBC2 .
12 In Baroness Lemberg 's creepily ornate fortune-telling parlor the lights are on and the baroness ( Miss Page ) is supposedly tuned in to the truth .
13 As I was writing this , the post brought some advertising blurb : " Are you tuned in to the Win a Fortune Show ? "
14 In spite of being a small-town solicitor , Mr Hann is tuned in to information on many of the world 's financial deals .
15 We could even get you both on , as if you were both tuned in by chance .
16 Any Radio 4 fans who settle down to ‘ The Archers ’ had a bonus on August 2nd if they stayed tuned in after the programme , because it was followed by a programme called ‘ Performing Miracles ’ and featured Sheila Dicks .
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