Example sentences of "to protest [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 On the way back to their Wall patrol route , Debbie and John come across Mr John Runnings , a seventy-two-year-old American who travels to Berlin every summer to protest about the Wall .
2 Amarabout , a Zaidani , turned up and toured the streets in his Mercedes ; Sulaiman Musbah and his brother and some other Zuwaya went to Benghazi to protest about the irresponsible withdrawal of the police .
3 My associations with Wenceslas Square were not so much with the events of 1989 , though it was here on the 18th November that the crowds gathered to protest about the police violence of the night before .
4 It is easy for a well-fed English-woman like myself to shake with anger about the futility of war , to protest about the iniquity of racial prejudice and to deplore the helplessness of little people in the face of vast political forces fighting for power .
5 PLANS by MCC rebels to protest about the exclusion of David Gower from England 's tour to India hit a brick wall last night .
6 Mr Trew believes his crime was to go on local TV to protest about the grim prospects for his hospitals .
7 The chairman of the Society of Authors , Anthony Sampson , has written to the BBC to protest about the shelving of ‘ Bookshelf ’ , broadcast for the past 15 years and the only programme on Radio 4 devoted specifically to books .
8 I said today to my right hon. Friend the Member for Sparkbrook that if the Oliver Twist story were translated from the workhouse to a prison , the person who drew the short straw and was sent to protest about the food would come within the net of the Bill .
9 Up to nine people were killed in violent disturbances in the capital , San'aa , on Oct. 19 ; the next day there were a number of arrests at a demonstration to protest about the authorities ' failure to find the killers of opposition figure and rural development official Hassan Huraibi , who had been murdered on Sept. 10 .
10 Various local delegations came to Owen to protest about the invasion of the church .
11 * About 40 Greenpeace protesters cut off rail shipments to a Du Pont chemical plant to protest about the company 's production of CFCs .
12 I 'm glad Councillor reminded er Councillor reminded Councillor erm about the introduction of L M S , when over two hundred teachers did appear outside to protest about the introduction of it , along with cuts in budgets .
13 Hundreds of parents and teachers have lobbied Parliament to protest about the government 's plan to cut help for pupils whose first language is n't English .
14 Radji of was disinclined to protest as the Shah wished .
15 In The Unbearable Lightness of Being , the Czech exile Sabina disturbs her French friends by being unable to last out a parade held to protest against the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 : ‘ She would have liked to tell them that behind Communism , Fascism , behind all occupations and invasions lurks a more basic , pervasive evil and that the image of that evil was a parade of people marching by with raised fists and shouting identical syllables in unison . ’
16 Out of a desire to protest against the ‘ oppression and exploitation ’ he saw around him , he began to write short stories , by the time of his death over a hundred had been published .
17 HONG KONG — More than 3,000 people marked the 40th anniversary of Communist rule in China yesterday by rallying to protest against the suppression of the pro-democracy movement in Peking , AP reports .
18 Only one representative came to the podium to protest against the dilution of free-market principles .
19 While Ramsey was a canon the chapter appointed a new vicar ; and while Ramsey 's predecessor was bishop , a minority of the parishioners started to protest against the vicar 's innovations and were in a strong position because the vicar introduced certain ornaments without the necessary faculty to do so .
20 Fewer workers bothered to listen to him when he called meetings to protest against the Peters ' Plan .
21 Orthodox Protestants doing no more than exercising their democratic right to protest against the paying of tribute to the Antichrist were taken to court and fined .
22 The call for a day of action to protest against the government 's security policies in the wake of the murder of the Revd Robert Bradford , MP for South Belfast , in 1981 , is an example .
23 ‘ Red Ellen ’ had long been in the public eye — notably as the figure at the head of the Jarrow March in 1936 bearing down upon London to protest against the enormity of unemployment .
24 On January 10 , our Delegation organized a press conference and held a demonstration in front of the American Embassy in Baghdad to protest against the despatching of American military forces to the region .
25 The first is Thomas v. Sawkins , where a public meeting was called in Glamorgan to protest against the Incitement to Disaffection Bill then before Parliament and to call for the dismissal of the Chief Constable of the county .
26 Pacifists of both religious and secular persuasions place their moral right to protest against the taking of life above their legal duty to wage war and to kill .
27 I said I fully realised the job had to be done but I wished to protest against the shabby trick ‘ Ark Royal ’ had played on us .
28 The Hindu BJP party has called a general strike today to protest against the arrest of two of its leaders , accused of inciting Hindus to tear down the mosque .
29 They said that almost four million workers stayed at home to protest against the tax .
30 Many of the young people who came onto the streets of Bucharest on 21 December 1989 , to protest against the Father of the Nation faced a bleak future of under-employment in a poorly planned industry .
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