Example sentences of "attempt [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 But the main thrust of Olson 's argument is unaffected , and it ca n't be set aside : this great American poet ( and Olson knows that Pound is all of that ) was a Fascist , profoundly , and no amount of talk about his affinities with Whitman will save him for democracy , nor will any attempt to treat his anti-Semitism as an unrelated pathological aberration .
2 Weclome back : Nigel Mansell will attempt to write his name into the motor racing record books this weekend .
3 Summers does attempt to list his subject 's achievements ; it does not take him long .
4 Walter Swinburn finds it hard to believe Zilzal will ever be beaten and the son of Nureyev will attempt to extend his sequence to six out of six in next month 's Breeders ' Cup Mile in Florida .
5 I can attempt to justify his death at least to myself .
6 If the threat is from behind , the horse may attempt to protect his rear end by tucking his tail between his legs .
7 The question that confronted them-the question they had met today to answer was simple : should they attempt to harness his talents or should they destroy him ?
8 Cope decided the risks were too great and , rather than attempt to fight his way through to Fort Augustus , led his men instead down the other military road , from Dalwhinnie to Inverness , a distance of 58 miles [ 93 km ] .
9 Only from the mood of his paintings and from the cryptic jottings on his work , mottoes , inscriptions , aphorisms , quotations from Dante and other poets written in French , Italian or Latin , can one attempt to decipher his state of mind .
10 Sensing this , the unskilled or inexperienced interviewer may attempt to raise his or her overt status by playing any one of a number of roles :
11 George Benton , who like most good trainers is not short of excuses when things go wrong , does n't attempt to defend his man 's performance on that occasion .
12 That James would attempt to recover his lost throne seemed inevitable , especially since he had taken refuge in France .
13 Because the Doom Diver can steer himself as he dives downwards , he can attempt to correct his flight path should he veer away from his target .
14 However , the Goblin may attempt to correct his flight path by D6″ .
15 Opposition forces did not attempt to prevent his departure and he made his way to Idzhevan in north-eastern Armenia , whose government had offered him temporary asylum .
16 As far as the new rent is concerned , options fall into four categories : ( 1 ) options to renew " at a rent to be agreed " : such options are void for uncertainty unless some provision is made for determination of the rent in default of agreement ( King 's Motors ( Oxford ) Ltd v Lax [ 1969 ] 3 All ER 665 ) or some provision is made for a minimum or a maximum rent ( Corson v Rhuddlan BC [ 1990 ] 1 EGLR 255 ) ; ( 2 ) options to renew at a rent to be determined in accordance with some stated formula , without any effective machinery for working it out : if necessary the court will supply the machinery in such cases ( Brown v Gould [ 1972 ] Ch 53 ) ; ( 3 ) options with machinery but no detailed formula : in such cases the court is likely to imply a term that the rent is to be fair and reasonable between the landlord and the tenant and will supply machinery for its determination ( Sudbrooke Trading Estate Ltd v Eggleton [ 1982 ] 3 All ER 1 ) ; ( 4 ) options which provide both a formula and the machinery for working it out : the draftsman should attempt to make his draft fall into this category .
17 Here too negative arguments can be adduced : it is hard to see on what basis the testator can legitimately attempt to limit his daughter 's right of testation ; it is improper to dictate the terms of the will of another person .
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