Example sentences of "approved a new " in BNC.

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1 The Regional Council approved a new item in the Capital Budget for 1992/93 and successive years specifically to promote a programme of works targeted at reducing the incidence of injuries to children whilst on journeys to and from school .
2 The Volkskammer approved a new travel law to come into effect on Feb. 1 , 1990 .
3 As a result of stormy negotiations conducted behind closed doors the congress in the early hours of Feb. 2 approved a new party leadership structure which featured the replacement of the 195-member central committee with a 131-member supreme council ( subsequently another 22 members were co-opted ) .
4 On Feb. 20 the Volkskammer approved a new electoral law to have immediate effect .
5 At the resumed talks it was agreed that Petur Mladenov , the State Council President and former Foreign Affairs Minister , would be elected President of Bulgaria ( his formal election being carried out by the Assembly on April 3 ) , but would be replaced when a newly elected legislature approved a new constitution .
6 The Majlis approved a new Cabinet on Aug. 29 [ see pp. 36832-33 ; 36859-60 ] .
7 The National Assembly approved a new amnesty law on May 9 despite the opposition of the 39 FSLN deputies who claimed that it would " erase the crimes committed by the Somoza dictatorship " .
8 The 77th International Labour Conference , held in Geneva on June 6-27 , approved a new Convention on Night Work .
9 With a 1989 inflation rate of 5.4 per cent , the Council of Economic Ministers approved a new set of anti-inflation measures on Dec. 11 , 1989 , although Finance Minister Pramual Sabhavasu refused to raise interest rates , rejecting a request from the Bank of Thailand ( the central bank ) for a 1.5-2 per cent increase in the maximum loan rate .
10 On Sept. 10 King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Deva approved a new draft constitution under which political power would be transferred from the monarchy to an elected government .
11 On Sept. 13 the government approved a new economic plan presented by Finance Minister Moda'i and aimed at financing the massive influx of Soviet Jewish immigrants to Israel .
12 Parliament on March 14 approved a new defence law providing for the reduction of compulsory military service from two years to 18 months and the extension of annual leave from 10 to 30 days .
13 On Oct. 4 , 1989 , the National Assembly approved a new electoral law providing for the use of proportional representation in legislative elections with candidates elected on a party list by department .
14 On Oct. 5 the Bundestag ( lower house of German parliament ) approved a new electoral law , as did the Bundesrat ( upper house ) on Oct. 8 .
15 The congress approved a new leadership structure , with Pavol Kanis being elected chair of a federal council .
16 The 77th ILO conference held in June approved a new convention on night work , lifting the ban on night-work for all except pregnant women [ see p. 37552 ] .
17 On May 29 the USSR Supreme Soviet approved a new law on foreign investment which would permit 100 per cent foreign ownership of Soviet companies and facilitate the repatriation of profits in hard currency [ see p. 38302 ] .
18 The parliament of the Czech Lands in mid-April approved a new restitution law allowing for the return of property in the Czech Lands confiscated between 1945 and 1948 .
19 On July 29 the Federal Assembly approved a new budget , since 1992 revenue was already exhausted , in which 48 per cent of revenue would come from a loan from the National Bank .
20 The Supreme Soviet of the Dnestr region within Moldova on Sept. 8 approved a new government structure and a law on languages .
21 The National Assembly of Popular Power ( ANPP ) on Oct. 29 approved a new electoral law which established mechanisms for the election of deputies and members of provincial assemblies " by direct and secret vote " .
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