Example sentences of "proving that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As under the 1953 Act , the onus of proving that we have good reason , lawful authority , or one of the other defences , rests squarely with us .
2 If we pursue the last option then we might have a job proving that we have made a successful descent but at least it would then truly become a purely personal outing in a boat .
3 As the leading opponent of orthodoxy within the RCM , Elaine Blond enjoyed nothing better than proving that her critics were less than perfect .
4 There 's an ecological number sung in typically spacey fashion ‘ The world 's spinning round , like a looney balloon ’ ; there 's an anti-Thatcher song summarising the Prime Minister 's lack of sensitivity in the one charge that she does n't like rock n roll ; and , proving that they are probably the only pop band ready for the single European market , there is an EC tribute : ‘ Down All The Days ( to 1992 ) ’ .
5 Wilkinson did an experiment with captive bats , proving that they can .
6 Most of them are tilted in their orbits at an identical angle to Earth 's ( the exception being the inner and outer two planets ) , proving that they have all evolved together .
7 Here are some of the details of all winners plus an example of their work , proving that they really are the cream of the U.K. crop !
8 Once again the movies were proving that they had their own version of what was real .
9 American sympathy with Chinese dissenters , inspired by the Tiananmen Square uprising in 1989 , is such that Chinese refugees have no difficulty in proving that they are in danger of persecution at home : of the 3,440 Chinese who sought asylum in 1992 , only 89 were rejected .
10 This meant that country could keep on running during the war , and , proving that they could do the same jobs as men , women gave themselves an enormous boost in the push for votes .
11 Some of the country 's top wheelchair tennis players have been proving that they can still serve up top-class sporting action .
12 ‘ In our dealings with North West companies we find that many have shown increases in productivity and earnings , even during the recession , proving that they have been able to compete effectively in the international arena , ’ she said , adding that there was nevertheless no room for complacency .
13 If Computercraft achieves its target of a £200 000 turnover this year ( so far it has doubled every year ) , it will be well on the way to proving that its ideas work .
14 She also tried hard to revive interest in Idomeneo , thus proving that she was no musical ignoramus .
15 It was Artemesia who was tortured into proving that she was a virgin when she was raped and had to dispute all the ’ witnesses ’ brought in by Tassi who claimed that they had had Artemesia too . ’
16 In 1927 ( when Eliot mentioned ‘ the Mongol in our midst ’ ) he told Bonamy Dobrée that he was preparing a small book , The Bolovian in Our Midst , proving that there was Bolovian blood in some of the leading figures of the day .
17 Village life is therefore not as close knit as it once was , which is common in many villages today , but nevertheless local functions held in nearby Harpham village hall are always well attended proving that there is still a sense of community in the area .
18 Four very different styles of miniature picture are displayed in this photograph , proving that there is plenty of scope for inspiration in even the smallest of designs .
19 Fleischmann and Pons were seeing 25 per cent unaccounted-for heat sometimes and had not yet more than the hope of proving that there were neutrons proving fusion ; Jones claimed to have seen a few neutrons at levels which , while interesting for science and understanding aspects of the Earth , bore no large scale practical benefits — what use is a billionth of a watt ?
20 The wild pitch sound was born , Mr Pierre proving that there was more mileage to be had in ‘ Essential Acapella Vol 1 ’ than most people imagined .
21 Both of these veteran airliners gave a spritely performance despite their age , proving that there are no bounds to what can be preserved in flying condition in the USA .
22 The judgment followed a decision by the Supreme Court in May 1989 [ see pp. 36650-51 ] , to return the case for reconsideration by a lower court , after ruling that an employer accused of discriminatory promotion practice could escape liability only by proving that there were other , legitimate , reasons for denying promotion .
23 ‘ There 'll be a bit off for luck ? ’ he asked , proving that he still retained some of the guile he had picked up as a practising country lawyer .
24 Lindsey 's Corsair remains to this day one of the most reliable and regular performers on the UK and European airshow circuit gaining many admirers , including an ex- Aeronavale pilot who proudly showed Lindsey his logbook proving that he flew 133722 off the French carrier La Fayette during the Indo-China campaign of 1957 .
25 Johnny Hero played the between set music — again proving that he hosts easily the best disco in town .
26 It is then up to the Minister to defeat the defence by proving that he had taken reasonable steps to bring the purport of the instrument to the notice of the public or of persons likely to be affected by it , or of the person charged .
27 On the other hand , there may obviously be cases where the plaintiff establishes a prima facie case by proving that he suffered damage from acts done in combination by the defendants the natural and probable outcome of which was damage to him .
28 Now he is proving that he can do it here with 55-yard boundaries , and when he is batting with Paul Parker , another incredibly fast man between the wickets , it is going to be very difficult for sides to control them . ’
29 Among his later publications were a few yearbooks of Edward III , 1527–32 ( STC 9562 , 9565 ) , and Sir Anthony Fitzherbert 's La novel natura brevium , 1534 ( STC 10958 ) , proving that he remained familiar with the legal milieu of Rastell and Pynson .
30 He had been long absent from the public balcony of the Roman palace which he had made his stage , and he was now proving that he was n't in chronic decline , as rumour held , with a pox contracted years ago , but had merely suffered a passing dose of ‘ flu .
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