Example sentences of "blown [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Shards of glass were still falling 12 hours after the blast and computers had been blown on to the pavement .
2 More significantly the same civil law principle led Sir Robert Phillimore , in the Admiralty Court in The George and Richard ( 1871 ) L.R. 3 A. & E. 466 , 480 , to hold that a posthumous child , later born alive , ranks as a child of its father — in that case a ship 's carpenter who lost his life when his ship was blown on to the rocks and wrecked following disablement in a collision — for the purposes of Lord Campbell 's Act , the Fatal Accidents Act 1846 ( 9 & 10 Vict. c. 93 ) .
3 I wonder sometimes where my cousin ended up ; at the bottom of the sea , or washed on to some craggy and deserted shore , or blown on to a high mountain face , to be eaten by gulls or eagles …
4 Well might a poem of that time depict the good ship of state being blown along by the prayers filling its sails .
5 Sometimes it gets blown along by the wind .
6 It was wonderful to see how the great court filled , as though the word of her return in triumph had been blown in on the wind .
7 House Dust Mites can be blown in through windows .
8 Hot air is blown in to the furnace .
9 A fire was lit at the base of a broad crag , and they sat around it whilst a Hearthware took sentry and the night was blown in around them .
10 Mark had blown in like a fresh breeze , hinting , with wild scents , of other delightful worlds where the air was free , pure , invigorating .
11 In Australia 's dry soils there are millions of tonnes of salt blown in from the sea over many millions of years .
12 But I wanted to present an exotic image , a man of the world blown in from foreign parts to bring some much-needed glamour to Karen 's drab suburban existence .
13 I glance , speculatively , towards the window , where more bad weather has blown in from the North Sea .
14 An October mist , blown in from the Channel , hung around the rusted legs of the derelict pier .
15 I deal with direct leaf-fall , and any subsequent stray leaves blown in by winter gales , again with that square skim-net ( actually an old angler 's landing net ) .
16 ‘ All the stained glass windows at the front of the bar were blown in by the blast .
17 The latest straws in the wind have been blown in by the bank 's disposal of its merchant banking arm , Charterhouse , last week for £235 million .
18 In fact , when the spire was blown down during a gale , early in 1925 , it was not replaced .
19 Monday evening during dinner Bob hit and a huge tree was blown down across the power lines so we had no power and dinner was by candlelight .
20 Now he never spoke of it-except once when they were passing , and the smell of it had been blown down on the wind .
21 In 1847 , for instance , excursionists at Hadleigh Station , awaiting the train to Ipswich , were buried under bricks when a newly built 300 ft. wall was blown down on them .
22 The foresters of fee usually had the right to take ‘ cablish ’ — that is , dead and dry wood , and trees or branches blown down by the wind within their bailiwicks : in Bernwood Forest , if the wind felled ten trees ‘ in one night and one day ’ , the king took them all , but if there were less than ten , the forester of fee took them .
23 In Cannock Forest the warden might take ten oaks from those blown down in the hays of Alrewas , Hopwas and Gailey , and in ‘ the wood called Hockley ’ .
24 A 184 year old cedar tree which was blown down in the January storms was the focus of an enterprising initiative in April at Claremont Landscape Garden , Surrey .
25 The workshop , his special pride , had been responsible for turning trees blown down in gales and storms into durable and comfortable seats for the open space areas .
26 Percy the park-keeper rescues the animals when their old oak tree is blown down in a storm , and the new house he builds for them is presented in a fold-away poster at the end of the book .
27 The original tree survived until 1911 , when it was blown down in a storm .
28 I thought the TV aerial had blown down in the strong winds .
29 Lower down it was reported that a very large number of trees , including several fine and ancient specimens , were blown down in Borders Region .
30 They are also used in pots and containers on patios and courtyards , where they look attractive and are not so liable to be blown over as the taller full standard .
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