Example sentences of "concentrating [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 We were all concentrating so much that I almost giggled .
2 Some are concentrating so much on balancing that they forget all about the key words .
3 So you 're quite happy with that , one hundred , two hundred , three hundred , four hundred , five hundred , six hundred oh I can do this standing on my head , right and you s you stop concentrating so much , and you 've gone up to , so that should be a seven hundred
4 I was n't concentrating as much as what I could do , but I got over it really …
5 Then he would use this information to chat knowledgeably and sympathetically to them in the lobbies or the smoking room , often concentrating as much upon the opposition as upon his own supporters .
6 Alex , from his position in the wings , was not concentrating as much and could not easily be kept informed about when they were stopping and starting , going back to rehearse lighting changes and so on , with the result that he was often feeding the wrong words .
7 And you 're not really concentrating very much at all .
8 In Lothian , we are concentrating very much on what it is essential to have achieved by 1 April 1993 .
9 er perhaps Tom himself was erm not really concentrating very much but I know when we came back after the Christmas Day , the Boxing Day that is , erm , Tom was quite oblivious as to what had gone on on the Chr on the Christmas Eve , so I remember we c we put our heads together and erm came to erm some arrangement as to who should be invited for this next tractor course and nothing was ever said so I expect the right people went after all but erm it 's funny how when he was
10 Those who eschewed colour and decoration , like Spurgeon , and built what were really mammoth meeting-houses with a Greek front , were criticized for lack of taste and for concentrating too much on the preacher .
11 A Roman Catholic scholar , Hans von Balthasar , recently observed that the weakness of his own church in the past was that it neglected the Bible , while concentrating too much on the teaching of the church .
12 He confessed : ‘ I lost my last two girls by concentrating too much on tennis .
13 Of course the message had to be wrapped in a fairly light romantic story but at the time of the opening there was concern that publicity was concentrating too much on the comedy and not enough on the ‘ timeliness ’ of the film .
14 Concentrating too much on the little details rather than the main thing so B and D quite important to get those .
15 Originally scheduled for November 1991 , the tour had been postponed following opinion surveys which suggested that Bush was widely perceived as concentrating too much on foreign affairs and too little on domestic considerations .
16 By concentrating too much on the TNCs ' search for cheap labour , the NIDL fails to connect economic with political and culturalideological transnational practices .
17 Marxists criticize neo-Marxists for concentrating too much on questions of international exchange and terms of trade ( exploitation by the First World of the Third World ) and too little on questions of productiou and ownership ( capital accumulation and class struggle ) .
18 I think you were concentrating too much on giving a successful personal performance .
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