Example sentences of "purchased at a " in BNC.

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1 The freehold was purchased at a reasonable price in a complicated deal that allowed for a sensitive refurbishment of the grade 1-listed building and a limit of 30 hotel bedrooms .
2 16,000 square metres of agricultural land have been purchased at a cost of 3,000,000 ptas ( c. £15,000 ) .
3 You will take away on your course notes , a list of suppliers and an optional materials kit , which can be purchased at a competitive price should you wish to put your new-found skills to further use at home .
4 Long runs can , of course , be purchased at a price in the saleroom , but odd volumes picked up here and there should be inexpensive .
5 Wine can be purchased at a local store .
6 The respondent , without authority , keyed commands into a computer and thereby obtained by means of the same computer a discount , to which he was not entitled , on goods being purchased at a supplier .
7 discount on goods being purchased at a supplier , by dishonestly operating a computer used by the sales staff and entering a false discount .
8 As it is , the sale of " Fulford Grange " left the BDA without real property other than " The Hudson Flats " ( see page:120 ) and three terrace houses , internally connected , at 38 Victoria Place , Carlisle , which , together with adjoining premises purchased at a later date , have been headquarters since 1972 .
9 Copies of the Plan can also be purchased at a cost of £5 ( Report of Survey £5 extra ) .
10 Many options may be purchased at a very small fraction of the cost of the underlying security .
11 Like other Third World countries its quest for World Bank-induced export earnings through cash crops has been purchased at a high price with no apparent significant complementarity in food crops .
12 Many regions have produced guidelines on personal safety , and have advised branches where personal attack alarms can be purchased at a very reasonable cost .
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