Example sentences of "looks [coord] his " in BNC.

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1 Well , she had shown him she could n't be swayed by his good looks or his fancy words ; not any more .
2 I have n't got his looks or his stature .
3 There was no doubt about his looks or his manner .
4 The old wolf had lost neither his looks nor his sparkle .
5 He has inherited his Father 's good looks and his Grandmother 's good nature and easygoing outlook , which is usually too easygoing for his Father 's liking .
6 BILL Clinton made it to the White House by wooing women voters with his gleaming smile , his chunky good looks and his boyish charm .
7 The truth was that Cagney was marvellously photogenic and the combination of his looks and his relentless energy made him come alive in his every role .
8 This happened most nights and he had grown to think that it was an easier and more interesting way of travelling , particularly as his looks and his load of schoolbooks and his thinness caused people to stop .
9 If he had his father 's looks and his mother 's brains , Lucille liked to say , Henri-Patrick should be well blessed .
10 Again she was struck by his good looks and his relaxed , easy manner .
11 Not a day goes by that Dad 's face expressions , his bizarre Yiddish phrases , his looks and his own kind of loving do n't pass through our collective consciousness .
12 He simply made fun of Piggy 's looks and his ‘ ass-mar ’ .
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