Example sentences of "to assume [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To assume the principle of Conventionality , then , is not the only option open to children .
2 In India , it is still believed that certain people are able to assume the shape of a manticore , which then circles villages looking for human prey .
3 The fears of retribution were heightened by a directive from Washington not to assume any responsibility for the rehabilitation of Japan nor to assume the obligation to maintain any particular standard of living .
4 In the event that no person acceptable to Council is willing to assume the headship on any occasion , either the Coulson or the Dr Lee 's Professor will be required to assume it .
5 ‘ I 'm not being inhospitable , ’ he explained , ‘ but we have to assume the chance of them having my house and office both wired , and I imagine Number 10 would n't like that .
6 ‘ I want to assume the throne of the big-wave maniacs .
7 Rule by the Council of State was succeeded by Oliver Cromwell 's unsuccessful military dictatorship , and in 1660 Charles ' son returned to assume the throne as Charles II .
8 How was it that one of the exiled sons of Aethelfrith was so close at hand ( and another not far behind ) and in a position to assume the kingship of the Bernicians when Eadwine fell ?
9 We looked in vain in Siemens AG 's first half report on Monday for any mention of its Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG computer subsidiary , and with all the dreadful economic news coming out of Germany , it began to assume the air of the dog that did n't bark : Siemens said of its overall business that it did not show any revival in the first half , and that continued economic decline affected domestic business and led to a decline in incoming orders , and there was no recovery in its foreign business ; laying it on with a trowel , Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's leading economic advisor was quoted on Tuesday as saying that German workers failed to recognise the danger of high wages in a time of recession , and that German products were too expensive for world markets as wage increases outpaced growth in productivity , and earlier , Siemens Nixdorf had had to rebut a magazine report that its losses would be even worse this year , saying that it was certain that its results would improve this fiscal year ; the article , in Manager Magazin , also said that Siemens was looking for a replacement for Siemens Nixdorf management board chairman Hans-Dieter Wiedig , and added that plans to reduce the workforce to 41,000 by 1995 from 47,200 at the end of February could well be accelerated .
10 Reverting now to spatio-temporal relations , the assumption of their irreducibility to monadic predicates is linked with the assumption that they depict an objective order , and if such relations are taken to depict an objective order , then it is clear that we shall have to assume the possibility of a plurality of biographically distinct points of view , occupied by different percipients , before we can make any significant inferences about the ontological distinguishability of their terms .
11 By selecting for a sample a definite " quota " which reflects the proportion of different types of people in the target population , which can , of course , be the whole population , we have , prima facie , reason to assume the sample as representative .
12 De Michelis said that Italy ( which was to assume the EC presidency for six months at the end of June 1990 ) would work to accelerate the process whereby the three countries drew closer to the EC .
13 With Portugal due to assume the EC presidency for the first time in January 1992 a change of leadership would be badly received abroad , he claimed .
14 Mao 's widow had been eager to assume the leadership of the CCP , a prospect not welcomed among the party faithful and the general population .
15 Stein ( 1967 ) analysed the doctor-nurse relationship , and claimed nurses influenced decisions by ‘ playing a game ’ with doctors which allowed doctors to feel omnipotent and omniscient , and consequently to assume the leadership role .
16 Sanjurjo had been killed in an air accident on 20 July , on his way to Pamplona to assume the leadership of the rising .
17 It was widely believed , at the time of the rising , that General Sanjurjo had intended to assume the leadership of the Traditionalist Communion as well as of the military rising .
18 The Jacobites were quick to assume the leadership of nationalist sentiment in Scotland , by portraying the restoration of Scotland 's ancient dynasty as the only way to undo the Union .
19 He issued a terse statement to the press , indicating that he was " ready to assume the powers of the Republic " .
20 I confess they have , for me , the serious drawback of requiring the collector to assume the mantle of prophecy as well as all the other gifts that are demanded .
21 Another effect was that it engineered a prevailing mood of despair about the quality of urban and industrial life which in turn bred a determination to rebuild and sweep away the past when the time came — which it did , in the 1940s when town planning was able to assume the mantle of the new provider .
22 How far can it be right for the judiciary , whom no one has elected , to assume the mantle of the legislature by inventing and applying to legislation , under the guise of construction , concepts of public policy which Parliament itself has deliberately refrained from expressing ?
23 He also predicted that even if Aristide won he would not be permitted to assume the presidency .
24 Following the signing of the Paris peace agreement in October [ see p. 38511 ] Prince Norodom Sihanouk arrived in Phnom Penh on Nov. 23 to assume the presidency of the multi-faction Supreme National Council ( SNC ) .
25 It is obviously unwise for a minority shareholder to assume the obligations of the whole contract .
26 Here is an example of an impro exercise for two actors : ‘ An actor is asked to assume the character of a close family friend who arrives at the house with the news of the death of the wife 's husband in an accident .
27 I am also concerned that if these new unitary authorities come into effect , it seems er reasonable to assume the majority of members will be all the district councillors er whose involvement in planning of course is very different to our own and therefore their understanding of strategic planning , their appreciation of its importance will be far less and we could actually find that these planning committees authorities are really old district planning committees and the new and er there really could be quite serious implications for a whole number of things in Sussex I mean we know that the planning department is at the moment trying to erm create er a new and vibrant
28 His mistake may have been to assume the election was won before it was fought .
29 Neither would they wish to assume the responsibility in any event because of the repercussions which may fall on their heads from the council , who also rarely understand us .
30 The editor comes to assume the responsibility for choice or creation of a text .
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