Example sentences of "commitments [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 1979 Mrs Thatcher made election pledges to increase old age pensions in line with inflation and to ‘ protect ’ the National Health Service , although she made no commitments about other areas .
2 It is excessively formalistic to demand this acceptance in writing , for States make binding commitments through other modalities , such as unilateral declarations .
3 Thus hospital recommendations , based on discounted prices , can result in high cost commitments for primary care .
4 The UI Roadmap , due to be revealed on February 11–12 at the UI members meeting in post — Mardi Gras New Orleans , remains unchanged — it details both OEM wants and USL development commitments for future Unix technology .
5 If one considers the commitments of various members of Labour 's Front Bench whose portfolios touch directly or indirectly on energy , one finds total conflict , one with the other .
6 Overall picture of Grant Commitments of Central Committee for the year and summary of applications to this Committee
7 In parallel with the manifesto or other commitments of incoming Ministers , Home Office officials will have prepared a list of such internally generated proposals as are ripe for implementation .
8 The first element of need is erm the various estimates of commitments of potential land , erm and the argument is , erm , that the additional requirement can actually be met within the inner area , now we covered that at some length this morning , and refer to what we 've had said on that in a bit , I do n't propose to repeat it .
9 would have turned it into a distinct party separate from the Parliamentary Labour Party of which it formed nearly a halt Candidates were asked to avoid " commitments with other organisations of such a nature as to militate against their effectiveness as ILP Members of Parliament " .
10 As at 31st March 1991 , the group had annual commitments under non-cancellable operating leases as set out below :
11 The ‘ standstill ’ agreement means the company will be able to meet immediate commitments from existing facilities .
12 The experience of Soviet military facilities in Africa and the Middle East in the 1970s discouraged Soviet leaders from attempting to invest substantial military commitments in remote and volatile Third World states elsewhere , especially when they were in areas of clearly proclaimed American interest .
13 The evidence suggests that , through the 1980s and 1990s , financial commitments to outside agencies , and in particular credit repayments and debt obligations , have exerted an increasing pressure on low-income families .
14 This view is summarized in a memorandum sent to embassies abroad by the Foreign Office early in 1945 , arguing for a necessary linkage of diplomatic commitments to economic strength , but going on to state that Britain 's looming economic problems were likely to be temporary : ‘ It must , however , be stressed that , given skill and good fortune , our financial difficulties will be acute only during the immediate post-war years .
15 It was clear from the start that American aid would only take place in the context of commitments to economic reform within Europe .
16 Not only did we call for a ‘ Welsh Centre for Sustainability ’ to help translate global commitments to sustainable development into practical action suited to Wales , but we also ran many persuasive campaigns highlighting the true environmental costs of a range of development proposals .
17 Labour 's environment spokesman , Mr Bryan Gould , said the bill was a ‘ ragbag ’ of measures resulting from various government commitments to vested interests and voluntary groups .
18 An extension of a RUF is a transferable revolving underwriting facility ( TRUF ) which permits underwriters to transfer their commitments to other banks .
19 There was no clear philosophy of care ( such as normalization ) and policy was still influenced greatly by the capital programme juggernaut — including commitments to new , forty-bed hostels .
20 They have thereby developed few class allegiances and few commitments to large-scale theories about how society is , or should be , organised .
21 Although the capitalist waves of greed are growing higher there is a strong undercurrent too — a green alliance of individuals and organizations with varying commitments to social justice .
22 Intermixed with this division were differences which stemmed from strong commitments to domestic policies of social welfare on the one hand and the belief that Britain should pursue a world role on the other .
23 However , where appropriate , commitments to rolling programmes of equipment purchased for governing bodies are made .
24 Within a few hours the 126-member Slovene delegation walked out in protest over this defeat and over votes on amendments to the draft congress declaration , which had thereby rejected clear commitments to human rights and to closer ties with West European organizations .
25 120 ) , commitments to improving living and working conditions ( Arts 117 and 118 ) , and the laying down of the general principles for implementing a common vocational training policy ( Art .
26 Commitments to matching finance are seldom adequately analyzed , and although the recipient governments may carry a good deal of the responsibility for this , donors are also at fault in assuming that the counter-part funds for their projects will have priority .
27 Mr Salmond may well be right in supposing that Labour 's Scottish high command was looking for an excuse to wriggle out of its reluctant commitments to constitutional co-operation .
28 ‘ I do n't argue the pros and cons of public or private investment per se , but in view of the problems that have arisen it seems to me that if the Government has talked up the price by making rather loud commitments to potential voters , perhaps the Government should spend some of our money overcoming those problems , ’ he said .
29 Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania undertook a number of commitments on Baltic co-operation in late March and April .
30 Mr Lamont , speaking to journalists at a Treasury press conference , justified the imposition of VAT , saying he believed only fiscal measures could produce the necessary energy savings to meet commitments on global warming .
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