Example sentences of "assumed [that] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both Sir Thomas and I assumed that distance and the fickleness of youth would take care of the matter , ’ continued Elizabeth Mowbray .
2 Far from extending Darwinian gradualism , the scientists who tried to reconstruct the past had returned to a theory of history that assumed that progress took place through a series of distinct episodes , representing the rise and fall of groups that evolved in parallel rather than in sequence .
3 More to the point is that the Discourse indicates the scientism of the period : it is taken for granted by the lecturer that Turner ought to paint a tree of a recognizable species , for example , and assumed that portrait painters are after an exact likeness .
4 They merely assumed that inhibition generates the incest taboo without pointing to any behavioural mechanism that could translate one into the other .
5 But once adaptation to the new conditions had been achieved , Darwin assumed that evolution would come to a halt .
6 The first book was a novel about nurses in the Second World War , a pair of lovers in a training hospital — Boy assumed that Madame had lived though this .
7 They assumed that wealth was automatically there , and that the task of politics was simply to take from the wrong people and give it to the right ones .
8 It was the second Unionist lever against Home Rule that helped to involve the King , for it assumed that Home Rule would become law , would be repudiated in Ulster , and that then the army would refuse to enforce it .
9 Anthropologists , in tracing the evolution of Homo sapiens from more primitive quadruped simian species , assumed that bipedalism facilitated the free use of hands from their role in locomotion .
10 Taking note , AT&T assumed that success in one business meant success in the other .
11 It assumed that pursuit of that goal is conducive to the maximisation of wealth overall : profit maximisation leads to the most efficient use of scarce resources and the greatest satisfaction of human wants .
12 Injustice to these treatises , however , it must be said that at least in antiquity they rarely assumed that style was automatically improved through the use of ornament .
13 Following on from Cannon ( 1947 ) most psychologists assumed that drive was simply bodily discomfort brought about by the deprivation state and that drive reduction was due to eliminating this discomfort .
14 In all probability , the author did not know who was responsible for the original compilation : he merely assumed that legislation was an appropriate activity for the founder of a kingdom .
15 However , he assumed that capitalism could not finally achieve an integrated world , that the bourgeoisie could never transcend nationality .
16 I assumed that Engineering department 's approval had been conveyed internally to Mr. , particularly since the letter makes specific reference to our site meeting ( why else would he mention it ? ) .
17 Members of the nursing profession , who once assumed that training for registration would equip them for a career in nursing now realise that this is no longer the case .
18 Olson assumed that interest groups are primarily organized to secure ‘ public goods ’ , i.e. collective benefits or indivisible products available to all relevant people .
19 The model with stochastic interest rates assumed that interest rates followed a mean-reverting process , and that the correlation between changes in interest rates and changes in spot prices was zero ( which is questionable ) .
20 This commercial imperialism was reflected in the liberal social evolutionism of the philosopher Herbert Spencer ( 1820–1903 ) , which assumed that laissez-faire individualism would spread around the world by simply demonstrating its efficiency as an economic system .
21 The budget assumed that GDP would grow by between 0 and 3 per cent in 1993 , the first increase since 1989 ; that unemployment , which reached 11.9 per cent of the labour force in November , would remain high ; and that inflation , which had fallen from 38.6 per cent to 20.1 per cent from mid-year 1991 to 1992 , would level off at around 21 per cent .
22 As recently as last July , when President Gorbachev addressed the Council of Europe , the Soviet leader assumed that socialism could be preserved throughout Eastern Europe .
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