Example sentences of "happen to be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And may I ask if she will be so delighted to see me because I happen to be a male member of the human race … ? ’
2 ‘ I do wish everyone would stop writing me off just because I happen to be fifty . ’
3 If the fields below happen to be large , they may get down safely , but a safe landing is often due to luck rather than to good judgement .
4 So too with the curves which happen to look right circular ; the centres of these arcs happen to be in obvious places .
5 The draft letter to Katkov merely claims that crimes like this fictional one can be found in the newspapers , and that the fictional murderer has come under the influence of certain half-baked ideas which happen to be in the air at the time .
6 He drops , or there happen to be dropped , sore words like ‘ Napoleon ’ and ‘ axe ’ into his discourse .
7 But these just happen to be his , he ca n't ‘ prescribe ’ them ‘ for art ’ ; what he wants to say must come to terms with what the form allows him ; art refuses to be imposed upon , to be dictated to , and Dostoevsky 's dictum will stand .
8 It does n't take too much imagination to guess that this means ‘ draw a circle centred at x = 10.5 , y = 24.75 , and of radius 3.9 , in whatever units we happen to be using at the moment ’ .
9 Unfortunately , the 50Hz or 60Hz frequencies , relating to the two-pole magnetising rotor fields on synchronous alternators ( running at a speed of 3,000 or 3,600 rpm ) , happen to be close to the frequency at which ions in bodies respond to , while in 50µT of the geomagnetic field .
10 The ions in water and blood happen to be in the critical mass range .
11 ‘ I happen to be the only person here who believes we have to make a response at the European level , ’ Mr Radice said .
12 Their children will in many cases be born stateless ( unless they happen to be born in a country where birth confers the right of citizenship ) .
13 The hallmarks of Thomas à Kempis 's approach to the religious life are a rigorous inner self-discipline and a conformity , for reasons of humility , to the existing forms of Christianity as met from day to day wherever you happen to be .
14 If you'se happen to be comin' here to Dublin at some time or other in the future — which praise the Lord you will be , for t is God 's own city — and you happen to be driving down O'Connell Street and you see me standin' here like dis , with me arms up ; then whether I 'm here or not , you stop . ’
15 If you'se happen to be comin' here to Dublin at some time or other in the future — which praise the Lord you will be , for t is God 's own city — and you happen to be driving down O'Connell Street and you see me standin' here like dis , with me arms up ; then whether I 'm here or not , you stop . ’
16 These are the people who do n't consider what 's going on in your mind , merely what goes on your feet ( the London club Kazoo turns people away if they happen to be wearing Wallabees ) .
17 ‘ It 's a mug 's game and I happen to be very good at it .
18 Earthworms are the main item in a badger 's diet and cow grazing pastures just happen to be a good source of earthworms .
19 People think if you 're small , you 're there to be downtrodden , and they have a stack of prejudices about all the other things that I happen to be .
20 ‘ We 're two different people who happen to be in the same business .
21 ( Warner Home Video , 15 , £12.99 ) The Grifters Anjelica Huston , John Cusack and Annette Bening play three small-time con artists ( grifters ) who happen to be mother , son and son 's girlfriends , respectively .
22 In real life , the affliction tends to get laughed at — unless you happen to be a sleepwalker , or to live with one .
23 This is despite the fact that there are such programmes as Mastermind , a sheepdog series ( with which I happen to be involved — I declare my interest ) and superb epics by the Natural History Unit .
24 In a game the rules are socially constructed beforehand ; in creative drama they are negotiated , but this negotiation is often constrained by whatever the ‘ rules ’ happen to be in the slice of life the creative drama is reflecting .
25 As with the intertidal communities , coral reefs flourish in regions that just happen to be especially favoured .
26 It is beyond chance that all of these species also happen to be animals ; plants , perhaps inhabiting the same regions as these animals , have disappeared without even the briefest of epitaphs .
27 Products tend to be misplaced or even completely lost or they get in the way but somehow they never happen to be available when wanted .
28 I happen to be embarking on a motoring trip during the course of which I hope to see many splendid views .
29 I happen to be the young man 's godfather .
30 The planning of operations by those who are going to carry them out , obviates delay and misunderstandings which happen to be caused by intermediate stages , and makes for the speed of execution which in any operation of this kind is an incalculable asset .
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