Example sentences of "ye [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Ye banish 'd trees , ye make me deeply sigh —
2 See ye on the other side of the bend , if ye make it . ’
3 ‘ It was ye contaminated it . ’
4 And Gavin turned on him once more : What d' you mean ye deny ye get long holidays ?
5 ‘ I told ye to hit at it , I didna' tell ye to hit it , ’ he muttered .
6 How do ye think ye are so fat : It 's me should be complaining .
7 ‘ How old did ye think he was then ? ’
8 Ye mean ye 'd be willin' to try and kill off her friends just to keep her to yerself ? ’
9 ‘ What do ye want it for ? ’ she said .
10 ‘ But I do n't know how ye found me . ’
11 How about this gem : ‘ Both thy bondmen and thy bondmaids which thou shalt have , shall be of the heathen that are round about you ; of them shall ye buy them bondmen and bondmaids .
12 ‘ But ye promised it was the last , ’ Winnie said , the drunken Rab ; and she could have pulled her hair and needed a pee but was frightened to leave Rab alone .
13 It was Scotsman Alexander Graham Bell who first gave meaning to the expression ‘ If ye want me thungummy , ring me . ’
14 Is it that ye ca n't manage the farm with yer Da away , and ye want me to take charge .
15 ‘ What dae ye want me tae dae ? ’
16 Ye want yer — heid examinin' ! "
17 Accordin' to Rodriguez , that is , so why dae ye say he is a cousin ? ’
18 Frazer ye cry him , the architect —
19 ‘ Where 'd ye steal it ? ’
20 Loud shrieking call rendered did ye do it ? ’ or monotonously iterated single note .
21 ‘ If ye let me go now , ’ Anton said , ‘ I wo n't tell anybody . ’
22 ‘ Yes , yes , ’ Father Devlin nodded , ‘ so ye told me . ’
23 Ye told me yerself that ye do n't like it here . ’
24 ‘ Will ye give me a hand with your man here ?
25 ‘ How did ye give it to her ? ’
26 ‘ Or did ye inject it ? ’
27 Do ye follow me ? ,
28 ‘ You 'll get a fill off Grantie when ye meet him on yer rounds , ’ his wife pulled the chair back from the bare table .
29 We 'll make sure ye meet them Inverdarroch , cause och they 're priceless , you 'll love them .
30 Are ye tellin' us that he 's the one responsible ? ’
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