Example sentences of "uncle [noun prp] might " in BNC.

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1 Then there 'd be the washing up … and Auntie Mary and Uncle Dennis might drop in …
2 I shook my head and bent back to my work , but every now and again , as I was writing or just thinking , a niggling little side-track thought would distract me , and I 'd find myself remembering Janice 's words , and wondering what exactly Uncle Rory might have hidden within his later work ( if he really had hidden anything ) .
3 Or Uncle Bow might find himself doing a lifer for your Rosie . ’
4 Melanie could not have supported a laughing , singing Victoria for breakfast and Uncle Philip might have struck the baby , which would have been dreadful .
5 Uncle Philip might have made her over , already .
6 She hid the cutting in the cocktail cabinet in the prop-room — if she took it home Uncle Vernon might get his hands on it and embarrass her by reading it out to the commercial travellers .
7 A veterinary is what Uncle Tommy might have been if there had been the money to send him away to train , because he was very good with animals .
8 Uncle Remus might well have heard of him , for some of El-ahrairah 's adventures are those of Brer Rabbit .
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