Example sentences of "state [noun pl] be " in BNC.

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1 Technocrats are ‘ statists ’ who consider that state policies are available to manage all social problems , although in selecting solutions they may lean to the right ( favouring market management and abhorring the inefficiencies of state socialism ) or to the left ( deploring the waste of social resources under capitalism ) .
2 But far from being logically and mechanically derived from the ‘ needs ’ of capitalist accumulation , state policies are the outcome of very complex and contradictory processes .
3 State policies were seen as merely modifying the particular application of the law .
4 In the UK , as compared with the state planning and support of enterprises carried out in , say , Japan and France , these state policies were half-hearted and failed to generate high rates of industrial growth by international standards .
5 The ‘ xuechao ’ died out after just over one week but at its height both the university and state authorities were concerned that demonstrations could occur involving not only the Beida students but those from nearby campuses and even disaffected workers .
6 State organizations are responsive to and controlled by legitimately elected elites .
7 Radical elite theory 's machine model presupposes that both party and state organizations are effectively controlled by socially dominant elites .
8 Meanwhile , state reserves are at their lowest in decades .
9 ‘ I have a good man — a good dentist — these state dentists are no good .
10 State functions are connected by mathematical relationships called equations of state ( see section 3.1 ) .
11 Bureaucracy would be abolished by a return to ‘ primitive democracy ’ in which state functions are discharged ‘ by the majority of the population and by every individual of the population ( p. 38 ) .
12 State troops are included in the army lists as Halberdiers , Spearmen , Greatswords , Swordsmen , Hand Gunners , Archers , and Crossbowmen .
13 Under Article 92 , with certain exceptions , state aids are decreed incompatible with the EC and thereby banned .
14 This woman 's understanding of local government is , incidentally , a useful commentary on the idea that local governments and state organisations are somehow especially responsive to people 's everyday lives .
15 The machinery of identifying and training field workers from among the community groups , and in some areas , college students , of the selection of regional staff and State co-ordinators was set in motion even though the ARC delayed in granting approval for the funding .
16 Until these were chosen ( and this never happened ) all State powers were exercised by the President assisted by an advisory committee ( KNIP ) which he appointed .
17 On the whole , the makers of the American federal and state constitutions were well satisfied with their work .
18 Although the personal concerns of rulers and their consorts began to find reflection in the jade record as early as the Shang dynasty , in general state affairs were dominant at this time .
19 State publications were to be instructed and private publications " stimulated " to present the activities of the authorities in a favourable light .
20 Both party and state bureaucrats were targets , inevitably so when the two are intermeshed by the practice of political leaders holding multiple offices in both organizations — the ‘ interlocking directorate ’ system .
21 It was enlarged in the later Middle Ages and , in the sixteenth century , state rooms were incorporated .
22 As soon as Gorbachev was reinstated as President on Aug. 21 , he was compelled by the increase in Yeltsin 's political standing and the fact that most state bodies were at least partially compromised in the coup attempt to acknowledge the need for a new state structure ; the majority of the republics proclaimed independence from the Soviet Union , and fundamental reforms began of the government and the State Security Committee ( KGB ) .
23 State bureaucracies are responsive to elites who do not occupy formal positions in the state apparatus .
24 Authoritarian capitalist regimes demonstrate neither the representative structures of liberal democracy nor the organizational unity of communist states : instead state elites are involved in de facto coalitions with societal elites .
25 Teams of government and state scientists are collecting hundreds of soil samples each week .
26 In his New Year address Iliescu announced that collective and state farms were to be largely privatized , and that a five-day working week would be introduced in March ( most Romanians had been required under Ceausescu to work a six- or even a seven-day week ) .
27 Ligachev argued that collective and state farms were still the backbone of the system and that most peasants did not want to leave them to set up on their own .
28 He declared that " probably no other branch needs economic freedom and a true market economy as keenly " , and he criticized speculation that the future of collective and state farms was in doubt .
29 An across the board budgetary cut of 10 per cent for all state departments was proposed ; there was to be a freeze on the hiring of state employees , a large reduction in the staffing of state mental hospitals and various other cost cutting measures .
30 State newspapers are therefore funded out of public money , and there have been attempts to follow the example of the Daily Times , funded from the profits made out of various commercial activities .
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