Example sentences of "dangers of being " in BNC.

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1 Clearly these ideas relate to Eliot 's plays and to ‘ Burnt Norton ’ where dangers of being ‘ Distracted from distraction by distraction ’ seem connected with the spectre of a metropolis seen as the antithesis of religious values .
2 While they are aware of the dangers of being seen to support the Tories , senior party members would argue that neither party had won the election , and Labour could not assume the Liberal Democrats would play its game .
3 Now we must ask , what are the dangers of being out of work ?
4 The lay brother , a simple soul , could name the flowers , the different varieties of heather and the birds which wheeled and soared with joy above them : he also taught Ranulf a song in broad Scots about the dangers of being a young girl alone on the moors with a young gallant .
5 If they had given the matter any thought , however , and some incident had alerted them to the dangers of being too relaxed , there was no doubt they would have strained every muscle to elude the worst poverty .
6 There 's always the pressure of playing , of course , and the dangers of being on the road and playing the songs night after night — it 's all too easy to fall into some kind of rut .
7 His great sermons warned of the dangers of being controversial and subjective but confirmed that the movies could greatly increase their emotional power as a story-telling medium by developing a surer sense of society .
8 Any woman in the early 1970s did not need to be very observant to notice that there were serious dangers of being discredited by name in the media .
9 Whereas for me the rigours of the Second World War meant two ounces of butter a week and five inches of bath-water , for Jean-Claude they had involved near-starvation on a diet of turnips — and the dangers of being on the run .
10 Researchers always warn ‘ beginner ’ researchers of the dangers of being tempted into data analysis prematurely , eg as the first flow of questionnaires returning slows .
11 For de Gaulle himself , the experience taught valuable lessons , particularly about the dangers of being trapped in the role of party leader .
12 Exhorting him to forgive his personal wrongs for the sake of his own greater glory , she sings an ariette about the dangers of being inflexible .
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