Example sentences of "tightly in [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Ruth kissed her aunt and then , clasping her hands tightly in her own , she said what she had to say as gently as possible .
2 It 's too heavy for her to carry , so she pulls it to pieces with her beak , holding it tightly in her talons .
3 She flung herself to the floor and rolled to safety behind the half-opened door , the Beretta clenched tightly in her gloved hand .
4 She sank down on the bed with the photograph gripped so tightly in her hands that the paper buckled .
5 Faye whispered , her eyes misting and her throat going froggy as she showed them the tiny black-haired bundle cradled tightly in her arms .
6 She turned and looked down at the handbag , clutched tightly in her hand , and flung it far across the room .
7 She sat on a stool beside the Queen 's high-backed chair , her hands clenched tightly in her lap , eyes fiercely studying the fur-trimmed hem of Matilda 's crimson robe .
8 She wrapped herself more tightly in her furs and hood and trod carefully with Scathach across the natural platform of reeds and rush .
9 Ruth was still clutching it tightly in her hand as later he closed the door of his hotel suite behind them , locking out the world and turning to draw her into his arms .
10 She folded her hands tightly in her lap and stared straight ahead .
11 She turned away , folded her hands tightly in her lap , and stared out the window .
12 He stared straight ahead , hands clasped tightly in his lap , back straight , head up , shoulders squared .
13 The Saul Syndrome had settled upon me and I was wrapped tightly in his mantle .
14 Once this list was completed and each point neatly itemised , Corbett picked it up , left the sweet , fragrant-smelling library to walk slowly round the cloisters , muttering to himself , referring now and again to the piece of parchment held tightly in his hand , like some preacher learning his words , or a student preparing to discuss his treatise .
15 On a battlefield , she robbed a dead general of a leatherbound book grasped so tightly in his frozen fingers that two of them came away with it .
16 A bullet cracked inches above his head and he flung himself behind a row of metal dustbins , the Browning clenched tightly in his hand .
17 He slipped out from behind the skip and moved slowly across the concrete floor , the Browning gripped tightly in his hand , his eyes continually darting about him .
18 Doyle stood in the doorway , a baseball bat clenched tightly in his right hand .
19 He grasped it tightly in his hand .
20 He stared at the river with his shoulders shaking and his hands clasped tightly in his lap .
21 He gripped the Cell case tightly in his hands and continued the climb down .
22 ‘ Tell me , Jane , what happened to you when you so cruelly abandoned me ? ’ he asked , holding me tightly in his arms .
23 Harry caught hold of her hands and held them tightly in his own .
24 Ngo Van Loc reached out in the darkness and clasped both his sons ' hands tightly in his own .
25 Plummer exhaled deeply and gripped the receiver tightly in his hand .
26 It has all come back ! ’ he said , holding her tightly in his arms .
27 There had been a time when she had thought of going with Roman and dreamed of dancing held tightly in his arms , but now she doubted she would go at all .
28 For a second he just looked into her eyes and then she was tightly in his arms .
29 Ross slowly withdrew his arm from about her shoulders , a muscle beating tightly in his jaw as he rose to his feet and walked across the room to where some bottles and cut-glass decanters stood on a tray .
30 Please do n't … ’ he murmured , holding her tightly in his arms and kissing away her tears .
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