Example sentences of "safely [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Now for some good news to dispel the gloom ; once the Sun enters Scorpio on October 23 , you can relax and safely say that the remainder of this year will be plain sailing and relatively carefree .
2 I think it can be safely said that that 's lost .
3 … we may safely assume that there exists some universal semantics of literature , comprehending the themes which are to be met with always and everywhere and which are limited in number ; their transformations and combinations produce the apparent multitude of literary themes .
4 As we lower him into his pauper 's grave , we may safely assume that he does not feel seriously deprived at having to miss the Rumbelow 's Cup final or the Pilkington Glass European Badminton Championships .
5 I think we can safely assume that the statuette was washed and wiped clean after the event . ’
6 Besides , while the financial implications of the defeat by England have never been revealed , one can safely assume that the loss has deprived the French players of a fair amount of endorsements and sponsorship .
7 And when you eventually decide what time to travel , you can safely assume that BR is n't responsible for your train being late — blame the leaves on the track — or for the lack of pickle in your sandwiches — write to Clement Freud .
8 On the evidence we have been considering so far , we can also safely assume that many more of these defendants will be given custodial sentences than would otherwise have been the case , and that the terms imposed will also be substantially longer in many cases .
9 If she complains of stress incontinence but denies any urgency or urge incontinence her doctor can safely assume that she has genuine stress incontinence .
10 As the pitch patterns were presumably dictated by Elgar 's ‘ secret ’ melody , we can safely assume that his invention , and indeed the beauty of his creation , lay almost entirely in his construction .
11 As regards persons who can safely be classified as employees , their employers can not safely assume that they will own the copyright in everything produced by those employees .
12 I can safely claim that nobody at all can read what follows without learning something new about him , any more than I could have imagined , when I began preparing it , how much unrecorded information I would find .
13 ( Incidentally if the number 30 031 has no special significance for you , I think I can safely claim that you have not properly settled the conjecture following 1.3.10 . )
14 By 1992 the Treasury could safely claim that the UK 's top rate of income tax at 40% was below that of its major competitors , as can be seen from Fig. 16.6 .
15 If they are , then we can safely conclude that what is true of this group is also true of others .
16 When newspapers start to report falls in Labour 's opinion-poll lead to 15% as a setback and Conservatives claim as a triumph Labour 's best-ever local-government result , we can safely conclude that the political landscape in Britain has changed .
17 And we can safely bet that it is n't being so generous .
18 It can be safely assumed that the overwhelming majority of Mambo Leo and Mwangaza readers were pro-TANU , in view of the size of the electoral victories in 1958 , when that party was supported by sixty-seven per cent of an electorate in which Asians and Europeans were disproportionately highly represented .
19 It is safely assumed that a government can obtain the passage of virtually all the bills it introduces .
20 The second came back safely to reveal that men only just have the lion 's share .
21 I THINK I can safely say that Peter Greenaway 's latest film will do nothing to increase the appreciation of food in this country .
22 If you 're lucky enough to see one at all it will slither off to find a more peaceful rock to sleep under , and since as yet they have n't organised themselves into packs , roaming around looking for people to bite , we can safely say that there 's nothing you will encounter that threatens humans in any way .
23 we may safely say that nothing so remarkable as the scene of Westminster-Hall during the first three days of this week , had ever been known of by architects .
24 Given the detail of the account recorded here , we can safely say that it is time to move on , to pursue other routes for harnessing fusion .
25 The sociologist would also suggest that these patterned regularities in social life mean that social behaviour is predictable , i.e. that one can safely say that individuals in similar social situations will behave similarly .
26 Whilst there does not appear to be any universal agreement on the precise meaning to be attached to these prefixes ( compare the definitions of modern algebra in [ 71 , p. 669 ] and [ 81 , p. 702 ] ) we can fairly safely say that classical algebra is the present synonym for the theory of equations , a theory in which are manipulated symbols which invariably represent numbers , be they complex , real or rational .
27 Indeed one can safely say that almost all of our roads and tracks were used in medieval times and perhaps most were also used in the prehistoric period as well .
28 I , I used to drive Sheena , but I can safely say that I live on the A seventy seven , aggression is equally as bad as drinking driving , because you see it happening on that road every day , aggression they cut out they cut in , you do n't know where their coming from , er at least a drunken driver tries to go straight and make 's the mistake
29 ‘ At last , I think we can safely say that you are understanding the situation correctly . ’
30 ‘ I think I may safely say that you are in a deal sounder trim these last few weeks . ’
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