Example sentences of "starting [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 He took as his starting point the capitalist world economy :
2 Norman Holland 's theory of reading ( 1975 ) takes as its starting point the text , but the text as perceived by the individual reader .
3 ‘ Here I Am ’ uses as it starting point the life experiences of children , through which God is initially revealed .
4 Members of the original project team took as their starting point the anticipated health care needs of the society in the 1990s .
5 Critics of this approach , while often accepting the usefulness of the Italian model in relation to Spain , have taken as their starting point the varied character of the Italian Fascist movement , its role as the militant defender of property and destroyer of the left , and the essential , rather than the external , characteristics of the Italian Fascist regime .
6 Contemporary discussions about British broadcasting have , almost inevitably , taken as their starting point the threats the new media pose to a well established public service broadcasting tradition .
7 His lecture took as its starting point the distinction drawn by the Wolfenden Committee between public and private behaviour , and what it thus considered to be the proper role of the criminal law in these areas .
8 Before turning to these matters , however , I shall use as my starting point the rather more advan-tageous conditions for executive leadership that exist in the United Kingdom .
9 The starting point the courts use in making financial orders is the one-third rule : that a woman is entitled to one-third of her husband 's joint income and capital .
10 ‘ Sexuality ’ has in many ways been most resistant to this challenge , precisely because its power seems to derive from our biological being , but there have recently been several sustained challenges to sexual essentialism , from quite different theoretical approaches : the interactionist ( associated particularly with the work of Gagnon and Simon , and in Britain Kenneth Plummer ) ; the psychoanalytic ( associated with the reinterpretation of Freud initiated by Jacques Lacan , and taken up by feminist writers such as Juliet Mitchell ) ; and the discursive , taking as its starting point the work of Michel Foucault .
11 Once again , we shall take as a starting point the ordinary use of the word " style " .
12 The next chapter is just such a consideration , though one that takes as a starting point the professional development of teachers ( Chapter 2 ) rather than the issue of accountability ( Chapter 1 ) .
13 FMLN health workers and doctors insist that any health system which does not take as its starting point the ideological world of the patient would in fact be ‘ unscientific ’ since it would be , at worst , simply a system for diagnosing diseases , or , at best , a system of treating diseases but not a system for treating people .
14 For example , one might reasonably take as a starting point the observation that the characteristic occupations of men and of women are distinctly different , as are the kinds of relationships with co-employees associated with them .
15 We took as our starting point the fact that whether you like it or whether you do n't like it , it is a fact of life .
16 That is to say , Picasso uses as a starting point the same logical or rational analysis of volume that he had evolved in his Negroid paintings .
17 good starting point the social work qualification .
18 This project takes as its starting point the fundamental tendency of people to seek explanations for events .
19 The study of French at Edinburgh University takes as its starting point the student 's achievements in the final year at school and aims to develop linguistic skills to their fullest potential .
20 As a starting point the role can create highly dramatic moments , but be careful not to choose a role which then limits you .
21 Any proposed reform of any western healthcare system should take as its starting point the efficacy of health-care purchase .
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