Example sentences of "remained [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Power has remained centralised under the constitution of 1978 , enacted by Junius Jayewardene with Singapore in mind .
2 She could n't tell , she hoped he had remained pressed against the woman , unconscious of all else .
3 Bukharin 's contribution to analysing growth theory has , by and large , remained underplayed in the existing literature .
4 Her body had remained hidden for several days .
5 Christine Campbell 's body had remained hidden at the Swindon Guest House for several days .
6 Since times are hard in the science job markets and so called whistleblowers tend to be regarded as troublemakers rather than public spirited heroes , these depredations against scientific integrity would probably have remained hidden in the absence of the scandals at the EPA .
7 Someone called Prue , who until today had remained hidden in the wardrobe-room on the first floor pedalling her sewing machine , had a chair allocated for her use in the prompt corner and a space reserved for cotton reels and safety pins on the props table in the wings .
8 Until now nuclear weapons , in the West at least , have remained hidden from the public gaze , in closely guarded silos or inside aircraft and submarines .
9 On my first venture into the spanking new penthouse offices , clutching some very crap live reviews of some extremely crap bands , I encountered a bizarre race of pointy-headed mutants who had remained hidden from civilisation for countless generations .
10 It has already been indicated that Nathalie Sarraute has always remained committed to the depiction of psychological states , despite the apparently ‘ narratorless ’ trend of her fiction since Le Planétarium .
11 The Norfolk worsted manufacture , unique in having spread from Norwich to an arable farming district , had always remained dispersed in small units without great clothiers and had never recovered from its recession in the previous century .
12 Both aircraft arrived by truck and since then they have remained parked at Fox Field with their outer wing panels and tail feathers removed .
13 It has remained dominated by the police and operates on the police 's terms ( Stephens , 1988:113 ) .
14 But the daggers had remained sheathed during the meal , and she had allowed her thoughts to drift into those glittering waters .
15 In some ways Alison seems very cool about her condition and has remained detached from the experiences she is describing .
16 In Albania she was known as the queen of the mountaineers , and streets there have remained named after her through all changes of regime .
17 Although the NDP had committed considerable resources to Quebec during the 1988 federal elections , it had failed to win any seats east of Ontario [ see pp. 36425 ] and had remained dogged by its image as a party of the more rural western provinces .
18 The menu that night was cottage pie and chips , a combination which has remained engraved on my memory .
19 The wharf walk had remained closed to the public in case the lab boys wanted a second bite at the cherry .
20 Various doors of service have remained closed despite my knocking .
21 Indosinia has remained anchored to the south-east corner of Laurasia since the start of geological history .
22 They had remained wrapped in their own separate thoughts ever since leaving the hunting camp earlier in the day and had barely spoken to one another .
23 But these remained isolated in a sea where information was the preserve of the music press , the two London evening papers , and the 30-year-old What 's On magazine , with its catalogue of hostess bars staffed by girls who had left home with men from the motor trade .
24 In contrast , the Australian marsupial fauna has remained isolated by sea and not until late Tertiary times , when Australia-New Guinea had moved close to the Indonesian islands , was even limited and chance colonisation possible of Asian placentals across small water barriers ( Whitmore , 1981 ) .
25 Whatever pangs of grief and guilt and shame Emilia might suffer had remained locked inside her , an unapproachable wound .
26 Curiously Bancroftian filariasis in Brazil has remained restricted to certain suburbs of coastal cities linked to the old slave traffic such as Belém , Recife , Salvador , Rio de Janeiro , and Florianópolis .
27 If the Prince of Wales had not stood up and spoken as he did that day , the government might have remained entrenched on the subject for considerably longer than it was .
28 He might have looked comic if his proud , wrinkled face had not remained set in a devout and dignified expression as he went through what was clearly a considerable exertion to his failing strength .
29 There are success stories of companies which have used this unlisted market as the first step to the big-time , but too many have remained stuck with a quotation but no business in their shares .
30 Because family law has remained stuck in its empiricist mode the limitations of this approach have not been appreciated by academic family lawyers .
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