Example sentences of "arguing [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Having said this , let me try to make clear what I do not mean to be claiming in this section , lest I be taken to be arguing for more than I intend to be .
2 These figures provide political ammunition to chief police officers arguing for more resources , although this is clearly a double-edged sword since the figures could be interpreted as showing the police being unable to do much about crime levels .
3 But in a sense it 's not just the people round this table and the committee should be arguing for this , it 's actually the people in this room .
4 I Branches without women rivals now sided with Glasgow in demanding a campaign to exclude women for good , while branches such as Edinburgh , who had to contend with the problem , tried to go on arguing for some form of recognition of women workers .
5 Er Madam Speaker I entirely agree with my honourable friend , regulation and bureaucracy are the enemy of employment and that is why the Prime Minister has ensured that every government department is looking at regulations and bureaucracy to reduce the burden and that is why in the forthcoming European elections on this side of the house we 'll be arguing for less bureaucracy and less regulation , not more which destroys jobs .
6 ‘ There 's no point in arguing about that .
7 As to what they are , the academics are still arguing about that .
8 Oh absolutely , yes I 'm not arguing about that , and as I said , heaven forbid that should happen , erm another point I did pick up from one report was that in the eight years war , and you 're quite right , the Iraqis are battle hardened , but the Iranian air force apparently could n't bomb Iraq to any great consequence except for the first few weeks of the conflict .
9 I 'm not arguing about that at all , but the people of Wheatley have a right to the same protection that everybody else has under the planning axe .
10 He turned to talk to me , but a few minutes later Ben was arguing about another of Will 's plays .
11 Gardeners have been arguing about this for years , so I hope we can clear the matter up now once and for all .
12 they arguing about this time ?
13 They were all arguing about this when Oliver appeared , furious with Rain and oblivious of everyone else .
14 We 're not fucking arguing about this again are we ?
15 There was less arguing after that , but the two actors never became bosom buddies and never worked together again .
16 You might wonder why UNFPA should expend quite so much effort in arguing against such a crackpot idea .
17 And I know it 's important to be equal in careers and to have equal opportunities and I 'm not arguing against that , but I also think that perhaps , in doing so some women also lose the pride in being a woman , and e equality is n't being a man , which I think some feminists take that view , that they 're not equal to a man unless they 're earning money .
18 Arguing against those who said that women could not be ordained , the Anglican theologian of the last generation Leonard Hodgson comments that to say ‘ that a woman is incapable of receiving the priestly or episcopal character involves saying that her sexual differentiation carries with it a deficiency in spiritual receptivity and power ’ .
19 However , a conspiracy theory may not only be arguing against those who are blind to , or specifically reject , the notion that a worldwide conspiracy explains most political events .
20 With troops deployed in Bosnia for a year already , and no one knows for how much longer , the defence secretary Malcolm Rifkind is openly arguing against more cuts unless commitments like this are cut as well .
21 For Chapman was successful — there was no arguing with that simple fact .
22 And there 's no arguing with that , is there ?
23 No arguing with that , thought Cadfael , looking on with some anxiety from his retired place .
24 There was no arguing with that and Jenna had visions of Alain simply giving her the ride and leaving her to it .
25 So anyway , you did rested upon Ararat mountains and Elliot was arguing with that one , saying the mountains of Ararat .
26 Using the term ‘ dialectic ’ means that the process of movement which characterizes human history is not a smooth development but a development caused by conflicts and contradictions which lead to temporary resolutions , like two people arguing with each other .
27 They were always arguing with each other .
28 One was a complicated case in which the client had a number of relatives living nearby , who were said to be always arguing with each other ( including about the client 's care ) .
29 A crowd of amused onlookers , attracted by the sight of two flushed angry whites arguing with each other in the street , has collected .
30 Walking along with a friend one evening , near Leicester Square , I noticed two men arguing with each other .
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