Example sentences of "halfway down [art] " in BNC.

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1 I REMEMBER once seeing a small girl remove a tin of soup from halfway down a display stack in a supermarket .
2 They should be all over the place — especially where least expected — halfway down a leg , on a collar , cuff or elbow for instance .
3 Russell Telford , 29 , stayed halfway down a pit shaft for nine hours after threatening a lift operator at Markham Main colliery , South Yorkshire .
4 She did n't go so far as to give me her telephone number , but I prudently copied it from the instrument at a point during the interview when she was distracted : when one of Brenda 's children had somehow slipped into the room to find a drum stacked halfway down a pile of similar toys .
5 ‘ How did the mice come to be halfway down a cliff in the first place ? ’ he had asked her .
6 Her thoughts taking flight , Luce found they had stopped halfway down a bare stone corridor .
7 Important parts of the overall design are the archway , halfway down the garden , and the arbour at the bottom .
8 Later I found out that a standby wife had got halfway down the aisle before turning back , remorseful at abandoning her husband , leaving one empty seat — my seat , I brooded , as I waited for the next flight . )
9 The state of the river and a temperature barely above freezing means it is going to be hard today but I will still feed about a dozen maggots when I cast in , and them the same again when the float is halfway down the swim .
10 He slid down from the pill-box and sat in the high grass , halfway down the canal bank .
11 Wolves had gone into the match halfway down the table and seven points adrift from the top six .
12 Knowing that the barracuda would dart forward the moment he fired , Trent aimed halfway down the jaw .
13 Feet slithered in the mud halfway down the bank .
14 She and Ethel were halfway down the next flight of stairs when they were suddenly joined by Bryce .
15 Halfway down the pool , and quite unexpectedly , a good fish rose and slashed at my cast , taking the tail fly , a size 14 Peter Ross .
16 The last horse , Bean 's own , stood halfway down the ramp , surveying his reception committee with benign , sleepy eyes .
17 She remembered halfway down the rickety ladder stairs , but for would have been a final indignity .
18 Halfway down the valley , climb up to your left to the top of Stake Pass ( 3 miles ) .
19 Grip lashes with the curlers as close to the roots as possible and hold for five seconds , then repeat halfway down the lashes .
20 Halfway down the Canyon , you come to 400-million-year-old limestones .
21 The aircraft took-off at 1537 hours piloted from the left hand seat ; on becoming airborne , at a position a little over halfway down the runway , the crew saw a flock of birds ahead flying just above the ground .
22 As Miranda was halfway down the dark and narrow stairwell , she realised who it was who had so disarmed Madame that she had not scolded Marie-Angèle ( for not being downstairs to hand , to run the message up to Mlle Everard ) , or waited to reproach Miranda herself for allowing visitors to call without appointments and cause all this trouble to her hostess in the Hotel Davenant .
23 Halfway down the length of the tunnel a patten caught an advancing man under the chin so that his alarmed cry was cut off short as he was lifted and carried for a distance of several paces before he fell away .
24 Johnson 's account pauses at the Fall of Fiers , today called Foyers , a little more than halfway down the south-eastern length of the Loch .
25 Riven took a place halfway down the hall from the high seats where the lords clustered and the Lady Jinneth adorned her husband 's elbow .
26 The blinds pulled , by her domestic decree , halfway down the windows discouraged all hope .
27 By now it was dark , with just two small desk lamps throwing clear-cut areas of light : one at a typist 's table halfway down the room where Maxim had finally met up with a pint of cold lager , one at the desk where Dann was listening on the telephone and sipping a small glass of neat gin .
28 Halfway down the Haymarket , now quite a distance from Piccadilly Circus , Neil paused , breathless , and afterwards wondered what kind god had arranged for him to be where he was .
29 He was already halfway down the hall .
30 He stopped halfway down the passage , whirling about to meet her .
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