Example sentences of "deeper into the " in BNC.

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1 As the crow flies , or rather those rooks in A. K. Savrasov 's famous painting , the distance south-east from Smolensk to Kursk is 480 km. , which is a fraction more than the distance due north from Kursk to Moscow , and 80 km. deeper into the provinces than Smolensk from the capital .
2 His responses to the troubled present are either retreat ever deeper into the infantile security of reclusive hedonism , or especially on Lovesexy , a wishy-washy , semi-mystical affirmation of the power of ‘ positivity ’ .
3 Once around a young marine mammal 's neck , the plastic collar will slowly cut deeper into the animal 's flesh as it grows , until the animal is throttled or dies of starvation or infection .
4 Better still , by delving deeper into the figures Mr Roach finds that the biggest gains are in America 's inefficient service industries .
5 Seeking without knowing what and going deeper into the forest , I noticed that I was not alone .
6 Tug pushed his head deeper into the soft , musty cushions .
7 The references to Jericho in both Numbers and Deuteronomy lead us to expect that once the people have crossed the river the city will be the first obstacle in the way of their advance deeper into the Land .
8 As a child Rose of Lima had watched a different version of the ‘ penetration of the universe ’ , as the silver mines were sunk deeper and deeper into the mountains , at high risk , in search of treasure .
9 Bulbs that are too near the surface can make thick temporary roots ( contractile roots or ‘ droppers ’ ) which pull the bulb deeper into the soil .
10 The best Futurist works went deeper into the human paradox than these early statements imply .
11 Streibl said he was looking forward to ‘ getting deeper into the book in my leisure time ’ .
12 Penny Downie gives an astonishing performance of self-lacerating despair as the social worker , vainly attempting to achieve merciful oblivion on a bender of drugs and booze , but I felt Diana Rigg could have dug deeper into the character of Rosa , though her prim Englishness undoubtedly makes a fine and comic contrast with Downie 's degradation .
13 He chose to move towards God rather than continue the journey deeper and deeper into the trap of himself .
14 So when I hug my tree I feel ‘ earthed ’ , and being ‘ earthed ’ I am able to dip my bucket even deeper into the well of strength .
15 In meditation it is possible to dive deeper and deeper into the mind to a place where there is no disturbance and there is absolute solitude .
16 Billy Tolboys pulled up the collar of his ancient leather overcoat and hunched down even deeper into the motorcycle sidecar .
17 Determined to delve deeper into the matter , the DFG , one of the major channels for state funds for research which distributes DM 900 million ( £200 million ) annually for all subjects , has asked some of Germany 's top researchers to review their own areas and try to pin down some of the problems .
18 Furthermore , the pain caused by the presence of an embedded spine makes the muscles it has penetrated contract in such a way that it is driven even deeper into the flesh .
19 As your legs begin to work so you can go deeper and deeper into the squat .
20 ‘ However , when delving deeper into the rule book the situation becomes confused .
21 The leader took the bridle of Thomas 's horse , another seized Corbett 's and they were led deeper into the forest .
22 They now supposed that Marian and Allen must be trying to pass the depression to the south , and if this were so there was still ample time to position themselves to cut off that route although it involved going considerably deeper into the forest and into territory where their own danger was greater .
24 Although the outskirts of the forest were carpeted with pine-needles , Kāli led me higher and deeper into the trees .
25 The intact ghosts , deeper into the city , of the splendid Frankish villas and lodgings and trading loggias , the fine-cut bulk of the church of St Peter and St Paul , the towering buttresses of the great convent of St Francis , with its empty gardens and cloisters .
26 The second , Blues and Beyond , takes over where the first leaves off and plunges deeper into the chromatic tones and chord substitutions Robben uses in his playing , and highlights two tracks from his ‘ Talk to You Daughter ’ album , Nothin' But The Blues and Revelation .
27 Is this not working in the opposite direction to treatment by similars and driving the imbalances , the illnesses , deeper into the system ?
28 You walk deeper and deeper into the crystal cave , hearing your footsteps echo in the hollow cavern .
29 As we probe deeper and deeper into the universe , what really exists ?
30 This fourth release goes deeper into the core of haunting electronics , meditating on mysterious edges of sound .
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