Example sentences of "handed [pron] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 He handed me back the key , thanked me , picked up his grip and left . ’
2 You handed me back that money , remember ?
3 She selected the first three pages — Lucy as she 'd been allowed to see her , and handed them over .
4 This was done by comparing the shorthand notes of several senior lobby members who willingly handed them over .
5 Clive fished them out of a pocket , and handed them over .
6 When he handed them over to the Syrians , the major received a special word of thanks from representatives of the country which would , ten years later , help the Americans to bomb Libya .
7 On each overseas train , a team of fitters and lifters from the Works accompanied them to their destination and handed them over to the RAMC coupled up , and ready for use .
8 Tim sprang to public prominence when personal letters he wrote to the Princess were stolen from her briefcase and offered for sale to a tabloid newspaper , which promptly handed them over to Scotland Yard .
9 Talbot looked at them and handed them over to Hawkins .
10 He denounced the entire coven of Slaanesh worshippers , including his mother , and handed them over to the Phoenix King .
11 He was nicknamed ‘ The Resurrection Man ’ because he would row up and down the river by night , fishing up floating bodies — and picking their pockets before he handed them over to the police and claimed his reward .
12 ( A junior embassy employee was more loyal and handed them over .
13 Later , A pledged them to C. On A 's instructions the warehouseman handed them over to C who therefore acquired good title to the goods under section 25(1) of the Sale of Goods Act 1893 ( now section 24 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 ) .
14 She handed them over without any further argument .
15 She handed them over to her husband and was terrified by his reaction .
16 He then slowly pulled out some bank notes and furtively handed them over to the large man , who patted him on the back and quickly got off at the next station .
17 Rebecque brought the orders himself and handed them up to Sharpe who was already mounted .
18 Lucinda took cigarettes and a lighter from the depths of her khaki drill respirator bag , and flicking open the expensive-looking case , handed them round .
19 He folded up his uniform , placed his helmet on top , boots by the side , marched across the parade ground and handed them in to the quartermaster .
20 Kolchinsky picked up three manilla envelopes from Philpott 's desk and handed them out .
21 Jenkins picked up another four and handed them out to the other customers sitting at the counter .
22 He handed them out .
23 Church came up from the cellar with his arms full of bottles , and handed them out to the spectators .
24 Handed them out at the Police Station !
25 " He carried off his subjects ' wives , daughters and kinswomen by force and made them his concubines ; when he had sated his own lust on them he handed them down for his soldiers to enjoy .
26 I mean I did not need to stay on at school or get my B.A. at Strathclyde to know when not to F or C. Fuck-me shoes , I just handed them back to the saleslady with as much dignity as I could muster and says , thanks but no thanks , I do n't know when I 'd ever have the occasion to werr them .
27 She did so and handed them back to him , her irritation scarcely hidden .
28 The Coroner complimented me on my prompt reporting of the find , and after a short deliberation declared them not to be Treasure Trove and handed them back to me .
29 He handed them back .
30 Lisa beamed confidently as Vass gathered up her sketches and handed them back to her .
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