Example sentences of "picking [pers pn] up " in BNC.

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1 The Germans had also noticed the canisters and were directing fairly accurate mortar and shell fire in and around the dropping zone , to prevent the Commandos , or anyone else , picking them up .
2 ‘ If I can borrow these to show him — ’ I said , picking them up .
3 She fumbled , dropping them on the floor and picking them up , sorrying wildly , before shoving them onto the rack with the others .
4 The best and simplest incentives to use are social : taking an interest , praise , smiles , hugs and , for young children , picking them up , smiling , kissing , tickling , rough and tumble — whatever gives them pleasure .
5 I kept pretending to pick it up and others , getting further and further to the door picking them up .
6 ‘ Yes , and would n't it be good to get a structure and … maybe costume , a few props anyway and learn the poems off by heart , not read them , nose buried in a book , dropping them out your looseleaf onto the floor , scrabbling around picking them up again in the wrong order . ’
7 The dhāmi put his hand into the plate of rice , agitating the grains , stirring them round , picking them up , then letting them sift back through his fingers .
8 Nara and the twins were endlessly fascinated with the little , blind , half-bald creatures , and spent hours picking them up and playing with them .
9 When picking them up one 's legs became wet .
10 They can be observed flitting across the pit as they attempt to swim , with the parent picking them up and spitting them back into the quivering mass .
11 These commandos then blew a gap in the road and withdrew under covering fire from HMS Oribi and HMS Onslow , the former picking them up in her ship 's boats as they came off the beach .
12 I once knitted almost half of the front of a sweater in tuck stitch , continually dropping stitches and muttering at all the time I was spending picking them up .
13 I have great difficulty in picking them up with binoculars , but with × 7 I find that the best method is to start at the Delta-Epsilon pair and then proceed to Lambda ( 3.8 ) ; M12 forms a triangle with Lambda and Epsilon .
14 " Distractedly , he began to change hammer , pouch , pipe and matches from hand to hand , dropping them and picking them up , before finally deciding to put the hammer down and stuff the rest into his pockets .
15 ‘ What 's all this ? ’ he said , picking them up one at a time .
16 ‘ She was picking them up at random and saying things like , ‘ This boy 's in a wheelchair but that does n't stop him giving me the eye , ’ or , ‘ This is the college stud but he cuts no ice with me . ’ ’
17 Instead of picking them up , she moved behind the pedestal as if taking refuge .
18 The days of leaving one 's brains at the front gate and picking them up again when one leaves are firmly in the past .
19 They are potentially very dangerous and what we are worried about is members of the public picking them up and taking them home as souvenirs . ’
20 So I have n't got to pick them up from nursery today , Jayne 's picking them up .
21 Mm , mm and no , I dropped them off this morning , that 's it , he 's picking them up
22 Keep picking them up boy !
23 I ca n't remember if I did cos I 've been picking them up .
24 buying old say a scrapped a written off Sierra you know , picking them up cheap for about a thousand quid from the scrappy
25 there 's any chance of picking them up here , said otherwise I 'm going to have to her take Alex late .
26 She 's picking them up tomorrow morning is n't she .
27 And you I mean people say whippets are not cuddly but they 're just as cuddly you know you get used to picking them up .
28 Picking them up and you get they put one paw on the settee like and I said no Windy and he went
29 picking them up before they fall .
30 A car is picking me up at 1.30 to take me to Thames T.V. to be made up as a Chinese coolie .
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