Example sentences of "lands which [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Under his tutelage , the Indians began to demand the rights over their lands which they had been guaranteed by Brazil 's Constitution .
2 The true state must have settled frontiers rather than vague notional territories that many modern historians ( Partner , Waley , Laufs ) see Innocent III as the founder of the Papal State as distinct from previous popes who were little more than nominal overlords of disparate and scattered lands which they found very difficult to control without imperial help .
3 Before the epidemics of the mid fourteenth century a serious land shortage existed , and the landowners had the opportunity to secure high rents for lands which they leased out , and to pay low wages to men lacking other opportunities for livelihood .
4 His successor , Majorian , is unlikely to have gained the support of the Burgundians in 458 , when he drove them out of the lands which they had received with the approval of the Gallo-Roman senators .
5 While the Romans are described as being tributary , it seems that the lands which had originally been granted to free-born Franks had been exempt from tax , and that the Franks subsequently assumed that any lands which they came to hold were similarly exempt .
6 The form of words that he used were these : ‘ Lord king , I do you homage for all the lands which I ought to hold from you ’ .
7 Again , on 5 June 1286 , Edward performed homage to Philip IV of France , using the words : ‘ I become your man for the lands which I hold from you on this side of the sea according to the form of peace made between our ancestors ’ .
8 It would have been a very unnecessary aggravation of his difficulties to have two different mutually excommunicated popes in lands which he intended to unite once more .
9 Then , when King John took over the French lands which he had inherited in 1200 , he was allowed to do so only on condition that he should recognise them as being fiefs held of the king of France .
10 Fortunately within a short time Richard I was compelled to sell back these rights in order to finance his Crusades , and the Scottish king reverted to being a vassal of the English king only in respect of English lands which he possessed .
11 The assemblage of lands which he ruled is traditionally called the Angevin Empire and the name is important .
12 The plan which Henry still had in mind was for his eldest son to take all of those lands which he himself had inherited from his father and mother , i.e. Anjou , Maine , Normandy and England , while Richard should have the land which he had acquired by virtue of his marriage to Eleanor .
13 The ex-church and crown lands which he had acquired were automatically forfeit ; the residue of his property was confiscated by his retrospective attainder as a regicide .
14 Baldwin , following the conclusion of certain pacts with Philip Augustus , sought to extricate himself from the possible threat of excommunication and interdict on his lands which he had accepted at the time of the agreement if certain conditions were not fulfilled .
15 Indeed many of the disagreements of the following years seem to be associated with cities which had once been held by Charibert , and this was to hold true even after the murder of Sigibert , since lands which he had acquired in 567 became bones of contention between his son , Childebert II , and Guntram .
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